Inspiring the New Generation 5




When Thomas Edison was told by someone the number of times Edison failed. He responded: I only learn how making an incandescent bulb would not be possible. What failure does is that it helps you to know how you could not arrive at success. Failure in the real sense means you are learning how success could not be achieved until you arrive at the appropriate method if you keep at the goal. Failure is the chaff you get while sieving out success. He who is afraid to fail would not succeed.


I remember one state governor who took the daring step to become a governor. Then he was younger and could not compete favourably with the incumbents and political giants then but he began. He spent the next 12 years or thereabout learning the rope with many failures and disappointments. Then with a twist after about 12 years he won gallantly like a dream come true.


If you would win greatly in life, it is not a curse to tell you that you will fail many times. The only ingredient you need to have abundantly is perseverance and determination to learn all you need in the course of failing. With time, you will pick together the pieces and the puzzle will be completed.


Jacob worked for Laban for close to 20 years without a reward whatsoever. By experience he realizes that if you do not name your price in life no one will pay you a dime. By this he asked a pertinent question: Going this way, when will I provide for my household? Premised on this, Jacob learns to name his price.


It is not that many of us are lazy, but we have not learned from our failures. Take time and think in retrospect; what are the lessons you have learned over the years?


Without experience gathered, you cannot change the game plan. If you also keep doing things the old ways without learning new ways and ideals you will keep getting the same old results. To get new result do new things and possibly in a new way, take new risks and learn from the failure.


Remember, failure breeds experience; and experience gathered is the bastion of success.

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