Inspiring a New Generation 1



Learn to embrace failure as tool for a great life. The more you fear failure, the more you give it power to haunt you. Embrace failure and find the seed of good within it. What we call success today was once somebody’s failure. You don’t win the championship by first attempt. Those who win the championship have failed many times before they arrive there.

The Bible says: All things work together for good for the people of God and such who walk in his purpose. When you are a child of God you have a converter within you that turns situations around for you. Failure is like a coat of two sides, the other side when turned around is SUCCESS.

Another beautiful thing about failure is that it gives birth to wisdom. There is a kind of wisdom you don’t come about until you have failed. I have realized that those who run great homes and businesses are often those with greater disappointments but who refuse to give up.

Paul said: In spite of all these things, I am more than a conqueror. Check Paul out, he did outstanding exploits among the disciples.

Let failure become your friend today. Within it is the seed to replicate success, when you confront your failure and refuse to run from it.



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