I remember those days we were teenagers and during our youthful age. We had some of our age mates who were keen of leaving home and staying out of reach in search of freedom.

They had little sum and they step out to rent small apartments. Then they called it freedom, they were proud and happy about it. It was a momentary freedom.

Another group thought they were ripe for sex, frolicking with boys or girls; neck dip in fun. In class 2 of secondary school some became pregnant while others became fathers. At forty some of them became grandparents.

After another thirty years after, looking backward we now realize that the tainted so called freedom of yesteryears was the moment they lost true freedom. Many of these couldn’t recover from the error of their supposed freedom. They struggle and live on crutches of life, maimed from achieving the larger life. The shine was gone.

The Bible says: There’s a way that seem right to a man, but the end is destruction.

Freedom and bondage are relative words and dependent on who is using it and the time frame.

Let me explain this with the story of Eve in the garden of Eden. The devil told them what freedom awaits Eve if she could eat of the fruit. Yes she was free from God’s presence, but then it was an express into Satan’s bondage.

She left the good spirit of God only to be in bondage to the dark spirit of the devil.

Nobody is absolutely free. The lure to absolute freedom is the reason why many are in Satan’s web like Mother Eve.

You may be ‘free’ to drink yourself to stupor but you’re trading your liver and vital organs away. Freedom to drink and smoke as you wish is bondage to crash your health.

You may be free to wear just anything you like as a woman. It only make you a prey to ravenous men who will use and squeeze virtue out of you. Before you know it you’re in bondage to a miserable passion.

You’re free to marry the bad guy because he’s good to you all in the name of love. Remember that it’s your free ticket to a battered life of regret.

Learn to wage your freedom correctly to avoid Satan’s deception of giving you a counterfeit freedom as it was with Adam and Eve.

Looking also at the prodigal son. His outlook was adventurous and he asked for all that was his and left the presence of his Dad. This so called freedom led to untold pains, sorrow and deprivation. The prodigal son was battered and haggard until he choose to come back home to what he once thought bondage.

Our pains are often as a result of our quest for unrealistic freedom. Paul said he’s in bondage to the gospel. Jesus said we must carry our crosses. He also talked about carrying his yoke that’s easy.

The devil promises freedom but it leads to languishing and sorrow. Jesus ask you to come into bondage (control) of his word, this leads to freedom. Choose wisely please what you define as freedom.

Lastly, check your lifestyle, talks, choices and even dresses. Do you have control over them or you’re a slave to them in the name of freedom.

Remember that if Satan promises you freedom, you’re already miserable. Freedom is not measured based on how you feel now but the outcome which is later and into eternity.

There’s a way that seems right to a mam but the end is destruction.

Psalm 119:67 KJV
Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word.

Let us pray: Lord I ask for forgiveness in every way I have gone astray in search of sublime freedom. Please take away the pains and bring in rest. Now I submit to your word. In it alone is life. Thank you Father. In Jesus name.


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