Mary woke suddenly from a nightmare that made her sweat profusely. She was afraid and was filled with tremor.

“Why would this happen again. Lord I have been praying and fasting these seven days. I hope for good outcome not a bad nightmare like this?”

In her dream she saw some guys came to take Felix forcefully against his will, then she saw a lady smiling with open arms waiting to receive Felix. Then she began to cry as she called him but Felix wouldn’t hear her voice. Then she woke up.

She wouldn’t want to lose Felix. This fear made her tremble and she offered some prayers that morning and made up her mind to continue the prayer she had commenced days earlier, now on the morning of the eight day.

Later in the morning, Mary went to her dad who was already seated in the living room. She had him as her spiritual counsellor. Her dad is a worthy elder indeed, a godly man and model; a spiritually inclined church elder.

“Dad, I had a bad dream tonight.”

“About what? Come sit down here.”

Mary told him the detail of the events in her dream.



“Let me ask you: Why do we have dreams or visions in many cases?”

“Hmmm,” Mary flicked through her mind for the right answer. “Yes I know, sometimes just due to mere activities of the mind while sleeping and at other times, dreams help reveal what is going to happen. It could be God’s way of revealing certain things hidden to man.”

“You’re right my girl,” Elder Mouton answered. “Yet, there’s a third vital reason. God reveals things to us in dreams or visions so that we can use it for our benefits; taking appropriate decision to make the dream lead to a good outcome.”

“Benefits? But some dreams are bad, like the one I just told you.”

“Dreams are platform where we receive play of what’s going on in the spiritual plane. But man has the power of choice and decision through effectual fervent prayers.

“Why do we pray? To make requests and change things we naturally cannot influence. So when you have the kind of dream you have today, it’s your opportunity to change what’s stacked against you.

“The dream shows that some forces are contending against your love. Do you watch or change things?”

“I’ll pray and make the desired changes dad,” Mary answered.

“Good! To buttress your confidence in the power of God I’ll tell you about Hezekiah the King, he was prophesied to die by Prophet Isaiah. He prayed and the death sentence was changed. If you say to this mountain to move by unceasing faith you shall have what you say.

“No cause for alarm, I’ll agree with you in prayer dear. We shall through prayer stop the impending danger.”

“Thank you dad,” Mary said well relieved.

“Let us pray.” He said and Mary knelt before him. “Father, I thank you because you always hear me. My prayer about this dream is for a positive outcome. The enemies fomenting evil on your children, Felix and Mary will not prevail, expose their plans and grant us victory. Let your good light shine upon the two of them. In Jesus name.”

He finished praying and Mary got back into her room. Then she looked on her phone and saw several missed calls from Felix. Then she called back.

“Hi my girl. Where did you place your phone?”

“I was with dad. I had a bad nightmare and he had prayed and it’s settled.”

“What? Tell me about it.” He said and Mary told him the dream and also the counsel of Elder Mouton.”

“I’ll also be in the attitude of prayer. Nothing, I say nothing will separate us by God’s grace.

“The reason why I called you earlier was to remind you about getting a good location for our proposed foreign exchange firm we intend starting.”

“I’m working on it. A real estate agent called me yesterday to come see a building to confirm its suitability or not.”

“That’s beautiful,” Felix exclaimed.

“I will be with the agent in a couple of hours time.”


As Felix was planning to drop the phone Mary reminded him of his mantra.

“Mary my lovely angel. I promise you again I’ll continue to love you and this love shall know no end even when the mountains melt and the gangs of ocean dry up.”

“That’s better, ” Mary giggled as she dropped the call and Felix laughed at the other end.

After loosing her bank job. Felix had been up and doing making sure she lacked nothing good. True to his words he placed her on his payroll with a better salary than she had while at the bank. Making her to be at her best he bought her a new car. Mary became the envy of everyone around even among her former colleagues at the bank. She was truly favoured.

Felix true to his word gave her an all expense paid trip to Dubai. Among the places that caught her attention were: Palm Jumeirah Island, Burj Al Arab, the Emirates Towers and Dubai Creek. The City was an exceptional work of excellence to behold. She secretly wished the government of her nation will learn from such visionary leaders like the ones in Dubai.

She called back one of those days: “Felix, promise me.”


“Promise me first,” she laughed.

“OK I promise you everything in my power.”

“We will come here again after our wedding.”

“It’s a deal.”

“I want to have you by my side while shopping around and together in bed after the day.”

“I know how you feel dear.”

She spent about six weeks having fun. The vacation also gave her the privilege of a clear mind to think. That was where she caught the idea of floating a Forex firm. She knew till the world end there would always be international transactions and men would always need currency exchanges from time to time. She visited also Dubai International Financial Center to learn one or two things on how financial transactions were done at the mega level.

With the internet she sourced for other relevant information and got herself equipped. She was not ready to be a liability to Felix when they get married.

When she came back, she sold the idea to Felix and why she doesn’t like him give her free cash every month now that the state of being in coma is far behind. She thought of starting her own enterprise. She also thought of a few millions for the start-up but Felix had a different idea, an international reference forex firm.

They did the paper work and invited few stakeholders to the design. Within few months instead of a couple of millions, Felix made use of his expertise and were able to raise a couple of billions for the startup through crowding system relying on his old clients on Experon Payment System and were further looking for international partners. This dream firm seem to be potentially the biggest from the African soil.

Mary thought it was all dream from a wonderland. Yet this huge project was crawling upward gracefully in reality. She loved everything and kept praying for the success day in day out.

She drove off into town and following the direction given she came to the biggest structure at the western part of the metro. There she met three men. One was the agent and the other a lawyer. She knew the third person could be the person who sourced out the building or possibly one of those who want to share in the bounty of commission. She smiled while looking at the third man.

“The location is excellent, but I cannot take unilateral decision without my partners input. I’ll get back.” She said and she turned around away making move to her car in the middle of two of the men. Suddenly they heard gun shots which hits the third man on his arm as he was gesticulating with his hand and he screamed very loud and every one scampered for safety. Mary could hear bullets whistling pass her on every side. Then she stepped on nails and she screamed and fell down helplessly.

The dare devil killers, three of them came out of the car and trailing after her were bent on killing her. Close enough to take their aims then they heard counter gun shots from nowhere. One of them fell down and the other two ran swiftly to the car and sped off. Then was a hot chase from the police. The assailant missed their drive and got their vehicle rammed into a stationary truck. One of them died instantly. The other guy ran out and was bent on escaping when the hot bullet of one of the policemen seared through his heart.

This was how the three assassins met their Waterloo.

Mary and the wounded third man were rushed to the hospital. Since Mary sustained minor wounds the parents moved her to the family hospital for treatment and proper attention. Felix was thankful and his deep appreciation caused him to pay for both her treatment and that of the third man.

Elder Mouton approached the Medical Director to plead and have an eye on Mary. It’s becoming clear that someone is after her life.

Mary’s recovery was fast.

She was put under the care of Dr Koyejo. Every morning he’s always with her and made sure she’s alright. Dr Koyejo didn’t hide his affection for Mary and they got talking sometimes. Although nothing deep but friendly conversation.

“Who could be after the life of an angel like you?” He asked one of those days.

“I wouldn’t know sir.”

“We thank God all the same. In a couple of days you’ll be out of here. Just few injections and you’ll be through.”

“But I’m alright,” Mary blurted out. “I’m fine.”

“Due to the emotional trauma, your parents and Mr Felix consented to the recommendation of the Medical Director.”

“Okay, few days.” She shook her head impatiently.

Dr Koyejo left her to rest.

The next day the security called the attention of Dr Koyejo to one of the nurses through the CCTV. He looked through. He thought something must be wrong as he rushed out with all agility.

What could be wrong? Is Mary’s life safe anymore?


Watch out for Part 21


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