The bride and her friends were in the room. The friends were with here preparing her for the church service. She thanked God that her wishes finally came through after waiting for so long for her counsellor turned fiancé.

Ever since the relationship began she never had cause to regret. He’s the big broad shoulder for her. Now she’s going to be Mrs Semile.

Ladi was a lady who knew what she wanted from word go. She was a girl who learned much from her Mom. So it wasn’t difficult to make up her mind about what kind of man to marry.

While growing up her mom repeatedly told her the power of a woman to make a man. “What you need is a homely man who respects you,” she do tell her.

When a man respects a woman he listens to her. And a listening man is amenable to change. Ladi looked for a man who respect her views and is cool headed. She knew she could influence Semile. So she decided him appropriate as her future husband; she was determined to make him a chief among men.

Ladi took time to study Proverbs Chapter 31 in the Bible about The Virtuous Woman who through her enterprise built a respectable home. So the virtuous Woman was her model to transform Semile to greatness.

When her mates were waiting for readymade men to court she made her choice of a man who can transform. She understood that good things don’t just appear; somebody deliberately build it.

Ever since Ladi entered into the life of Semile, he had ditch the sloppy nonchalant lifestyle. She had been able to transform him significantly in no small measure.

Do you remember Semile and Ladi? Semile was the die-hard suitor of Mary. Semile didn’t really know what he wanted but for the intervention of Mary’s nudging to go look for one of his waiting friend. Ladi was the one who stood out. For lack of observation, what he was looking for has been waiting for him.

Today is their wedding day.

Semile insisted that Mary be given a vantage seat during the Reception Party of the New Couple in town. So she secured an extra space for Felix who sat by her right hand side.

It was time to tell the story of how the two lovebirds met. One of Semile’s friends Ojolowo handled that very well. He wouldn’t complete the story without talking about the role of Mary.

Ojolowo talked about how Semile was the counselor to Ladi. Ladi would come because she trusted and respected Semile who she took as her big brother.

Initially she didn’t know it was an attraction of love. She was fond of the wisdom of Semile to counsel her on many matters; then she began to fall in love. Semile on the other hand wasn’t giving it a second thought. He couldn’t imagine marrying a girl who had taken him as confidant. He thought doing that would be an abuse of privilege. But Ladi who knowing what she wanted persevered yet without losing her comportment in the process.

Semile was too cumbered waiting for yes from flashy Sister Mary.

Mary was happy for how things turned out especially for her friend Semile. She knew Ladi was good for Semile; mutual connection from the start. Though their courtship was barely six months, they’ve been together as friends these past two years.

It was time for the couple to dance. Semile was very joyful that he overtook Ladi in the dancing. As the dancing ended he reached forward kissed her and thank her profusely for standing by him.

“When will our own time come?” Felix asked her.

“Our time?”

“Yes, you and me.”

“Felix, I love you truly but we cannot proceed further.”

“Mary, you’re making me afraid!”

“It’s not really so. I would not want to spend another day without you, but the truth is that the coast isn’t clear to proceed. Christians don’t make haste.”

“Ha, ha,” he opened his mouth. “For how long and what’s the offence?”

“Felix, I love you and my parents love you but the coast has to be clear.”

“What needs to be cleared?”

“Only one matter, Helen. She’s pregnant for you and she needs to deliver. See Felix I’m confuse about the matter. Love needs to be tempered with wisdom.”

“Mary, Helen is not pregnant for me.”

“How? Don’t confuse me further.”

“Let’s leave this environment for some minutes. I want to tell you something.” They walked out and sat in Felix’s car.

“Who owns her pregnancy?”

“She’s not pregnant, she’s faking it to nail me to her side. The devil in her wants to sabotage my love for you. Possibly, she’s jealous of you getting her space.”

“How did you know she’s faking it?”

“It began the day my brother Alex invited her to my house. Helen did all in her power to lure me to sleep with her. Since I got home late I couldn’t successfully dislodge her that night. In the morning while going out on my way to the office, she got on my emotion and dropping her attire then I saw her belly outline naked. I was surprise her belly was still flat as it used to be five months earlier. I didn’t sleep with her.

“The inquisitive part of me was turned on. She had a game plan and up to something sinister. Amidst this plan of her I was able to lay hands on some facts. A pregnant woman should have a protruding belly.”

“That’s not enough evidence for people out there. We must be above reproach,” Mary said, “you need a rock solid proof.”

“I’m building my proofs. Last week I was at the gymnasium where we met. I interviewed her coach. He told me Helen still came around a couple of time. He said a pregnant woman couldn’t do those stressful exercises she was engaged in. Even her coach is doubting her. Whether she’s had a miscarriage. Judging by now, if she were truly pregnant, hers should be more than seven months by now.

“Few days ago my mom called to warn me about Helen. Through Alex mom got her phone number. She wanted her to come visit with the pregnancy. Do you know that Helen bluntly refused going to mom even with the pestering plea of Alex. Even now Alex is doubting her stance on the pregnancy.”

“When last did you see her?” Mary asked.

“In all I saw her only when I was in hospital. Afterward I didn’t give her the space until the last time when Alex brought her to my house those were the only times we had close contact but with no relationship at all. Before and after she always wanted to come close being the ascribed Monitoring Spirit she’s. But I’ve not set eyes on her these past two months now except when she calls for money to maintain the pregnancy. I just want to play along until nine months is complete.”

“Felix, for your kind of wealth she will not be ready to let you off easily. You need much prayer Helen is an entanglement you cannot just wish away.”

“What do you mean?” Felix muttered sweating in his palm. “I need to move on with my life.”

“This is the only way out, physical evidence especially of medical statement. You slept with her once. This alone gave her sordid reason to weave stories around you. I personally believe she was behind the recent scandals in the media. May God deliver Felix, the CEO of Experon Payment System. You’re rich and she is ready to make you her cash cow for as long as possible.”

“What do I do now?”

Mary scanned through her mind and she came up with this idea: “Call her and tell her to meet you tomorrow in a designated place so that you could work out plans for the baby who will be coming into your world in a couple of months time. Then arrange for law enforcement agents to nab her if she refuses that you’ve a medical test on her to confirm her pregnancy. This makes her a criminal.

“If truly she’s pregnant you’ve to plead to her and accommodate her and the child but on the other end if she’s not, then you will become free from her clutches.”

“Thank you Mary,” he was relieved.

“The coast has to be clear.”

“Let me call her now.” Felix pulled his phone out and dialled Helen.

“Felix, strange that you called me,” Helen said.

“I want to ask about the pregnancy.”

“How about me? I’m not important?”

Felix was quiet for the moment.

“We are fine,” she continued. “What do you want? Do you know this is the first time you’re calling me since I’m pregnant? I have been the one calling. You know what kind of callous soul you’re.”

“You make me guilty every moment in spite of all I do.”

“What have you done?” She said derisively. “Is money everything? No doubt you’ve given me more than I asked for. But I want you more than money. If there’s one thing I’m doing, it’s to get you as my love.”

“Helen,” Felix said confidently, “When I was with you and you had me all to yourself you played the game of love the wrong way.

“I was to make formal proposal the next week before you lured me into sex. You have got all you really desired; you cannot eat your cake and have it back. The day you came to my house through Alex, it was still your style. Sex alone cannot pin a man down.

“Flesh entanglement alone doesn’t secure a relationship. The next lie of yours is to pin a pregnancy on me.”

“Felix, are you saying that I’m lying and that I’m not pregnant?” She muttered under her breathe.

“That’s not why I called, not to argue please. I want us to meet and make plans for the baby. I’ve to show utmost respect for our baby please.”

She was silent for a while then she muttered forcefully: “Felix, hear me clear. I’m not somebody you’ll mess with, use and dump. So you want me to be your baby mama. I’m not going to be one. I swear.”

“Lady, you’re making things difficult for us all. Let’s move on please.”

“We are moving not an inch except on one ground: that you become my husband.”

“Okay, let’s meet and discuss. We have to start somewhere.”

“I have waited for this opportunity these past seven months. I wanted us to talk and be together but you denied me the privilege only to be with that weakling called Mary; even preferring to stay with her all through the time she was in coma. How I wished you love me as much.

“Felix, it’s too late for now. I’m gone for good out of your reach. You’ll not see me in couples of years when you’re ready to have me fully into your life with your child.”

“What are you saying Helen?”

“I’m travelling abroad with the pregnancy. If you like play your part as a father and husband, if you like refuse to do that. Let it sound deep within you man, I remain your wife. We are not seeing according to your plan. I’ll decide when we see and that in the future. Not now, not now, not now.” She repeated

“Helen,” Felix interjected, “you cannot do this.”

“That’s what I’m going to do and more than that. Let me add this, I’m beside you at the party. Very close to your car.” She smiled: “You’re confused on moving forward with your relationship with Mary. So you wanted to be sure I’m pregnant or not, so the two of you now met in your car to seek way out. See, the church girl will not marry you knowing that I’m pregnant for you, she is too spiritual to condescend to eat where swine dines.”

“You’re the swine Helen.”

“Call me any name.” Helen laughed sarcastically as she cut off the conversation.

Felix looked outside through the window of the car. Truly, there down the road was Helen in a long suite waving him as she entered a vehicle with a waiting driver and they drove off furiously.

Mary who all along was also listening was also perturbed. Felix was silent.

She gently put her left hand on his right hand: “We will sail through. In situation as difficult as this, what we need is intense prayer.

“She’s indeed your Monitoring Spirit. I’ll take side with you in prayer and let’s see what happens.”

Mary encouraged Felix and they hoped for a beautiful future together where the coast will be clear. They mustered inner strength and went back to the reception hall. They gave the new couple beautiful gifts along with huge undisclosed cash from Felix. Strength is discovered when we are able to master our pains and still be able to put smile on other people’s face.

The new couple were happy having Mary and Felix around. As they were about leaving the venue Ladi ran to Mary and gave her the bride’s flower bouquet.

“This symbolizes that we are waiting for you,” Semile said behind.

“It’s going to be the bomb,” Ladi smiled happily and Mary too in return. Mary turned and her eyes met with Felix’s.

“Yes, it will be the bomb,” Felix reassures her. “You deserve nothing but the best.”

Mary and Felix left still thinking on what to do about Helen’s unwavering commitment to thwart their love relationship. Like the Israelite’s journey, though they were looking at the Promised Land yet they couldn’t get into it.

The giant called Helen was on the way to hinder because of just a little sin

Is the coast really clear?

Watch out for the twist of drama in Part 20.. It’s irresistible piece of writing


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