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Many of us find ourselves frustrated and dissatisfied with our lives. We complain and feel unhappy because things don’t seem to be working out as planned. Our goals remain unachieved, and our dreams wither away, suffocating to death.

Moving Beyond Intentions: The Key to Achieving Goals –

Yet there is one crucial question we often avoid asking ourselves: Are we truly working towards our goals and dreams? Often, the reason we fail to achieve our purpose is that we dream, plan, and strategize, but we fail to take action. We lack the resilience and determination to put in the hard work required for the actualization of our plans.

The Price of Progress: Hard Work, Persistence, and Sacrifice

Work is the central pivot for bringing forth change. It is the process through which our aspirations become reality. It involves doing what needs to be done, following through on how it should be done, and understanding why it should be done. While designing and planning are important, nothing is ever achieved solely on paper. The best intentions without corresponding work are nothing more than intentions.

Intention does not change the world until we practice and do what we say and propose.

If it is about words, intention, and plans, all nations on earth would be fabulously rich, prosperous, and developed. I have listened to many world leaders say great and beautiful things, and many times they have sincere good intentions. But along the way, for one reason or another, they get stuck on the path to goal realization, all because they did not work on their intentions.

Embracing Responsibility: The Path to True Greatness

It is not cheap to work towards a dream. It will take perspiration, pains, and challenges. The cost to move forward in life, to take the next step and change the course of history, is high. Unfortunately, only a few people are truly ready to pay the price.

Everybody wants to be great, but only a few are willing to pay the price. And it is these few who become the emerged and anointed leaders. Leadership is earned on the platter of taking responsibility and hard work.

True greatness is achieved through responsibility. It requires watchfulness and action to ensure the positive outcome of a purpose and plan.

Don’t Let Your Dreams Wither: Take Charge and Pursue Them

Have you been stuck in one spot for too long? I dare you to take responsibility today through massive, non-tiring hard work. Dreams that remain unachieved are dreams that have not been pursued, dreams that have been abandoned, aborted, and left to die.

Whatever you set your mind to, work on it relentlessly and move it forward. In no time, everything else will revolve around you. Don’t sit idly around your dream; time is running out fast.

The Dynamic Flow of Life: Choosing Motion over Stagnation

Take a cue from the universe itself: the sun, the moon, the planets, and even the composition of matter—they are always in a state of motion.

Remember: Those who take responsibility are truly the leaders – they are the change makers.

What are the things you can start meaningfully today about the realization of that dream?

What are the things you can accomplish about the dream in the next 30 days about the dream?


What is/are the achievements you can make that will give major leap to your life vision or drive?


World Changers Christian Leadership School is set up to launch the emerging leaders into the heartbeat of God: taking the word of God to heal the societal maladies in their various forms.

On this premise, we would be raising men who have the capacity to transform the different sectors of the society starting with the church. To be a student, WhatsApp +2348033750871

*** Contact Us if you want to run a World Changers Leadership School in Your Community, WhatsApp +2348033750871

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