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The task of leadership is a great responsibility. Leaders are the trailblazers; the creator of path and destinies. They chart the course of the earth. As trailblazers they do impossible things by offering new thinking, new solutions and discoveries. They are not satisfied with handout solution, they find out why things are the way they are, what can be done to improve the status quo and they get the solution to how to improve the system; and they act on their conviction.

Leaders are the dynamic factor of life, they get life moving and advancing. They are the engine of civilization. The greater portion of mankind is satisfied with the status quo: Most are in the maintenance mode for they refuse to change or improve on what they are offered. But leaders remove the stuck and get the vehicle on the free way drive.

If you are always waiting for someone else to initiate a move or action before you follow, you may not likely rise to become a leader. The leaders are initiators. They find what to do and others follow after them. If you always wait for others you will end up as the second fiddle. Be ahead, create the concept, take the challenge and take daring steps: that is the lifestyle of leaders.

Life is about mind set: followers always do what others do. This is why they are usually in the bandwagon. They are secure to be like everyone else and are uncomfortable when they are alone. Leaders on the other hands know they will often be alone in thought, idea and actions. Leaders will always want a unique place for themselves. The eagle bird does not flock with the other birds, instead it is separate, solitary and alone – yet it is the king of the birds.

Above all, leaders are never stuck; they will always find ways around situations and circumstances. When others are held down and on their knees leaders will devise and chart a way of escape. They are never boxed, held down or confuse.

The leaders are the frame and pillar that hold high, they are the esteem of mankind. Many times, humanity would have degenerated into bestiality and cruelty: of mankind to mankind, until certain leader arises and put a stop to holocaust and depravity.

We have leaders in medicine that have brought cure to diseases that previously look incurable. We also have leaders in the political, economic and educational sectors – leaders have emerged in every spheres of life. One common denomination is that leaders bring meaning to life and they advance how things are done because they search out and do what needs to be done.

How would you love to see the church, society and the world relating to the church, government and moral value of the society?


Do you believe you have a responsibility to make the world great or you believe the responsibility belongs to others?


What could be your contribution to achieving this?


World Changers Christian Leadership School is set up to launch the emerging leaders into the heartbeat of God: taking the word of God to heal the societal maladies in their various forms.

On this premise, we would be raising men who have the capacity to transform the different sectors of the society starting with the church. To be a student, WhatsApp +2348033750871

*** Contact Us if you want to run a World Changers Leadership School in Your Community, WhatsApp +2348033750871

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