“I will be back in a couple of hours,” Felix called Alex his younger brother, “Meet me at the airport with a car.”

“Ah, brother. What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, when we meet we will discuss,” he cut the phone as he sat back in the plane.

Few hours later Alex picked him at the airport and they began to drive towards the town. They were silent most of the time.

“Brother tell me, I’m your blood brother: What’s the matter?” Alex enquired, “I know something is wrong somewhere. You hurriedly picked your things and travelled abroad just yesterday. You were supposed to spend a week. Now you’re back the second day. Tell me brother.”

“Hm,” Felix sighed very deeply. “Alex, you cannot understand. I’m in a web-like entanglement and I’m falling flat in its entralls.”

“Woman or money?”

“Women,” Felix replied, “Do you remember Helen that I told you about sometime ago?”

“Yes I remember, is she pulling a stunt?”

“More than a stunt, she’s pregnant for me. This is not what I bargained for and I’m not ready for her.”

“Parents wouldn’t want abortion from you,” Alex responded. “What should we do now?”

“The bigger issue is this, Mary the lady I told you of recently is the love of my heart. The lady I loved so much is dying and I caused it…” Felix wiped the trickles of tears on his face as he tried to hide it from his brother.

“I’m confused also,” Alex said, “You love Mary but you placed Helen in family way. Brother, Helen becomes your wife. Yet we find a way of saving Mary’s life.”

“Alex, I don’t love Helen and I cannot see her in my future.” Felix answered. Then suddenly he called his attention: “Go this way Alex.”

“Why not homeward?”

“I have prayed and like Jesus to Lazarus, I’m going to wake Mary Mouton from her deep sleep. We are going to the hospital where Mary is.”

Alex was trying to raise further discussion when his brother waived him signalling that he doesn’t have much strength for talks. They were in the silent mode except for intermittent talk on which way to the hospital.

As they got to the hospital Felix alighted fast and rushed as fast as his legs could carry him to the reception space. In a very short while he was taken along with Alex to see Mary.

As he saw the motionless statue-like Mary he began to cry: “I didn’t mean to hurt you please.” He said over and over again as he placed his right hand on her forehead.

As he was about being led out of the hospital he missed his first step and the second and the third. Felix fell down forward but for the presence of Alex by his side he would have got his head bashed into the glass door leading out of Mary Mouton’s suite.

Felix was rushed out of the room unconscious into an emergency ward.

Alex was afraid and he quickly called on his siblings and old parents. The parents and other family members weren’t from the city. So he had to stand in for his brother to recover.

He was pacing up and down when Agnes came in and upon hearing of his situation she called the parents of Mary and the pastor.

The whole situation is getting very knotty and naughty. Two people have to be saved from life threatening situation.

The doctor upon reviving of Felix found out that he hadn’t had food the past three to four days ago. He had no strength within him coupled with the shock of Mary getting into a comma.

Because of his state of malnourishment and general body weakness he had to be on admission for a couple of days. It was also discovered that he had traces of malaria parasites in his bloodstream.

Felix was improving drastically but no remarkable change in Mary’s state of health.

The second day Helen came to the hospital arena to pay Felix a visit. Being a vivacious happy-go-round lady she captured the air that even Alex became one of her fans.

She was unequivocally fortright being her nature. She told everyone who cares that she is the woman in Felix’s life. The wife-to-be to Felix, CEO of Experon Payment System Limited.

Felix was still very weak to utter a word as she held her sway around.

One thing: her audaciousness created a little tremor of sadness in the hearts of the Moutons and Agnes.

Could men be so wicked and calous was the thought raging in their heart. Agnes felt if she were God she would have strangulated the beast in Felix.

From that moment, Agnes distanced herself from Felix’s bedside while the Moutons still come around; as elderly people would often do, wishing him quick recovery.

The Moutons observed something which was remarkable and was discussed with the doctor. After the first day of Felix in the hospital it was noticed that Mary began to make little moves on her bed.

Based on recommendation, Felix would often be wheeled to her side morning and evening as part of her therapy. It was really a positive observation. He would put his hand on her head as he did the first day, pray and speak softly into her ears.

M after the third day of Felix’s presence opened her eyes; although she couldn’t say a word yet.

The fourth day Felix had recovered drastically. As he sat by his bedside he reminisced on how the recent events unfolded.

He felt things could have been better handled – if only he knew better.



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