Like a student before the teacher, Mary stood before Pastor Toun who was sitting behind her office table. She pointed her to sit in one of the empty chairs.

“Seems you have done what I asked you to do?” Mary responded as she brought out a sheet of paper and handed it over to her pastor’s wife. She went through it and smiled: “I love you Mary, you’re not the pretentious type.”

“From what you wrote you said: You easily find faults in most men that come your way. My response to this is: you will never find a perfect man here on earth. My husband, the pastor isn’t perfect. We outgrow our imperfection through mutual understanding, tolerance and support for one another.

” Relationship is not for people who are penchant at finding fault. Those who grow in perfection are those who easily overlook other people’s weakness.

“Another issue in this sheet isthat you’re afraid of getting married because many marriages are crashing. Let me pose this question to you: Do you stop taking a bus because one vehicle crashed a day before?

” No ma,” Mary answered.

“Good, you don’t stop; because of the inherent benefits of journeying we will continue to travel by bus. In the same light due to the benefits of marriage, man will not cease to get into marriage.
” In spite of divorces and a lot of marital challenges, marriage remains the best of human institutions.

“What I expect you to do – this will be your next assignment: Go find the reasons why many marriages are not standing. You will come back with these facts. When you know these you will then make up your mind not to fall as a result of such.”

“Thank you for the enlightenment ma,” Mary said.

“In addition,” Mrs Toun continued, “ingrain into your heart this word of life: whatever is true, noble, pure and of good report, think on such.

” Fear, gloominess, negativity, pride, and of such end up destroying one if one is not quick to recognize them as satanic weapons. Anything that stops you from enjoying any part of God’s blessings isn’t of God.

“Many times, it’s not God or Satan stopping us but our mindsets. But because God loves us he will wait patiently to get us heal if only we will yield. Cleanse your heart by believing the word of God above your fears.”

“Mommy Toun,” Mary chipped in, ” these are helpful insights. I have always thought God was the one keeping me waiting not knowing that God was the one waiting for me to clear myself of my mental impurities.”

Mary was glad she came around. After leaving her presence she began to carry out deliberate flushing off of the debris of negativities. Definitely, it wasn’t going to leave overnight but she was determined to work on herself.

She also read some books that enlightened her further on the power of thoughts. Our thoughts attract its kind; so the need to refine it with utmost focus and intensity.

Her heart was beginning to open up to take risk on love and to stop hesitating when love beckons.

It was 10:00pm.

She picked her phone calling on Felix before going to bed. Then her heart was shattered by what she heard from the other end.

It seemed that her world was caving down into the bottomless pit. She didn’t know when she shouted at the top her voice running wild to her dad and mom’s room.

“Mommy, mommy, mommy,” she wailed. Her dad and mom came out to get words out of her mouth to no avail. Mary refuse to say a word.

Throughout the night she was just weep and gnashing her teeth together. She would just not say a word. Her mom was also careful to upset her.

The family was in a ponderous state of affliction with confusion around them all. Her dad called Agnes who said she doesn’t know what the trouble was. Agnes at her end called Felix’s line, it was switched off. She was afraid, not knowing what could be wrong.

It’s about 10:30pm, it’s already late to go out looking for what and where things have gone wrong. Could it be at the office?

The best anyone could do was to console her. By 12:15pm everybody went back to their rooms while the mom took her daughter to her room and she sleep beside her like a baby till next morning.

By that time, Mary had became feverish and had to be rushed to the hospital in a haste. She was growing weaker and failed to talk or utter a word.

“Mom, what kind of sickness is this?” Helen asked the mom. They have never seem their sister so sick before.

As she lay unconscious on the hospital bed tears was trickling down her eyes. Then subconsciously she began to groan like someone hallucinating. They could manage to get the word “Felix” from her gibberish utterances.

Agnes was by her side and she was the one who figured it could have something to do with Felix. She took her car and went in search of Felix.

Agnes fear heighten as she got closer to his office. What could have gone wrong with Felix? Kidnapped, sick or de**. No, she forbade all the evil thoughts.

What could have made Mary to so break down and Felix line not getting through. Agnes too break down as she drove along praying for her friend’s quick recovery.

Watchout for part 9


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