We will be starting this new year with this important message.

I hope it makes an impression enough to keep your marriage intact the next 365 days.

I was impressed to share this based on the story of this two celebrity couples.

Recently I was pondering on the two and they seem to have left the radar of fame.

Some many years ago they started as two young couples who got attracted through sincere love, nothing more.

Then they were young and more satisfied finding one another.

Like every young couples they were there for each other.

The status issue wasn’t important. Both of them were starters as young graduates. The wife was a radio broadcaster while the husband was an entertainer cum presenter.

Indeed they were of humble beginning.

Then fame began to smile on them. The husband became à presenter of one of the best viewed programs that ever glossed Nigerian television wavelength.

They became the talk of the town.

They were the Romeo and Juliet of our time.

He was the dream of every lady… Men also wished to have such a graceful woman.

In the time of their fame, they seem to be the best matching couples in Nigeria.

This isn’t an exaggeration at all.

Like a bolt from the blue the rumours of their impending divorce began to circulate.

Many of us taught it was a joke taken too far by the soft selling magazines.

The devil seem to be so jealous of their bond that he cooked for them hatred portion…

They failed to heed any warning, not minding their fame or children interests…. They parted way.

This was a very disappointing incident of made in heaven love crashed by vicissitudes of life’s perils.

They parted ways.

Today, reminiscing over their past I saw a couple who could have hold sway in the entertainment industry go down to roost with the average people out there.

It was as if the demise of their love marked their downward journey from stardom to near-oblivion.

If they have looked at where they were coming from and could consolidate on the gain of their love and association… They might have endured the vicissitudes of their challenges and hold on still and believing that whatever two are better than one.

*The Lessons*

1. Many couples start small and immediately their are little win, the favoured one will fail to see any value from the other partner….

This is the error of the unspiritual… Somebody has to hold the base for the other to fight on.

No matter how gifted you’re, your spouse can create a wedge for you.

If you have a spouse that still give you a little space to win out there, appreciate that spouse.

Do you know that your spouse spiritual atmosphere or aura could help you win out there

2. Once you’re married, you don’t win alone or lose alone… Just like a football game.

When you start taking all the credit, you’ll soon come down..
It’s a spiritual and natural principle.

You may have a full time housewife. She’s part of your winning team.

If she’s not taking care of the home, you cannot have the concentration to win out there.

Personally I sincerely thank God for having a wife…

In greater percentage, ingrates to God don’t appreciate this gift of a spouse.

Of all natural gift, I think the gift of a spouse is a rare privilege… If you have one don’t be stupid to lose because of material gains, careers, post, etc.

An illiterate spouse is better than no spouse in ascending high in life… If only you could gain understanding

3. If you’re nobody before marriage and suddenly you become great in life, you cannot claim all the content of success even when your spouse seem not to have contributed anything

America is an advance society… So they understand this and this reason they have what we call *alimony*

When couples are going on divorce they one most blessed materially shares of wealth with the less endowed.

This was why Jeff Bezos upon their divorce had to relinquish good part of his wealth and suddenly the wife became the richest woman in the world.

4. When you are nobody and you grew wealthier materially, always have it in mind that there’s something in your chemistry that foster this new growth.

When things are getting better than you began, do your best to keep such relationship… Don’t lose the gift before you realize it.

Often when people divorce who were previously doing fine (not money alone) they suddenly will begin to have certain crises they were not accustomed to while together

This is not the year to keep old fight as couples. Sit and take stock of the gains. Focus on the gain and see how to increase the factors of gain.

Stop looking at the few losses… Every marriage like business sometimes suffer losses… Instead of looking at the losses count the blessings

God bless you and your home this new year in Jesus name.


Ecclesiastes 4:8-12 KJV
There is one alone, and there is not a second; yea, he hath neither child nor brother: yet is there no end of all his labour; neither is his eye satisfied with riches; neither saith he, For whom do I labour, and bereave my soul of good? This is also vanity, yea, it is a sore travail. [9] Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. [10] For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. [11] Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone ? [12] And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.


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