“Mary, the Praying Mantis,” Felix said hilariously while driving to the office.

He drove in and everyone from the aged to youths from the organization’s gate to his office bestowed on him much greetings and reverence. It was obvious he was the king of the empire.

He went into his office. But the Felix at the office today wasn’t the usual omnipresent and omnipotent master of Experon Payment System Limited.

The usual Felix would be on top of the job from the early hour to around 6:00pm; sometimes late into the night.

Today seem to be different, Felix sat in the office all through the day. He was restless and wasn’t in the mood to do anything serious.

At a point his secretary and one of the project managers came in with concerns written on their face. But he dismissed them that he was very okay.

Outside, his team of workers were whispering, “The Boss is down”.

Felix had been shot with arrow from Cupid or what do you think?

Felix had likeness for the Praying Mantis, but like a cascading swelling flood of the Niger basin, he has been overwhelmed especially after the talk with his friends a day before.

Felix had never been in such a state before. No woman has ever held his heart so firmly as Mary Mouton.

Maybe his attraction was because she’s been described as the hard-to-get damsel, the goddess of Victory Chapel.

His friends discussion that ought to have put her off was the very force that increased the attraction and caused an eruption of pure unassailable love for her.

Maybe again: Felix, right from his younger age loved doing things everyone else thought was impossible.

He had done hard things and prevailed.

Felix remembered his first business as an undergraduate. He remembered how he was able to manage the biggest eatery on campus with his academics and how he began to learn about the world of internet at the same time.

Maybe, his propelling force to the Praying Mantis is much the same reason; getting hard things done.

By 4:00pm, Mr Felix picked his car key and off he zoomed off without his regular driver.

All the staff around were wondering what had befell the great master. No fun, no work and this had been for few days.

Again, the master who on sick bed would never leave office around 4:00pm left so early baffled them.

What ailed the CEO of Experon Payment System?

On getting to the church environment he packed and sat in his vehicle waiting because he got there early before service.

He was aware the Praying Mantis doesn’t miss midweek services.

Some thirty minutes later predictably the Praying Mantis drove in; the psychedelic big girl from the neighborhood bank came down.

Felix beholds her and she instantly looked too beautiful to behold. And his courage crashed on the car steering.

As she stepped out she looked like an unapproachable giant in the land of the Lilliputians.

Felix in spite of his office and high recognition at office and all around lost the courage to go meet her.

He sat back in the car sweating profusely. Before he could garner his courage the princess of Victory Chapel has gone into the church auditorium.

Felix stepped out like a little baby whimpered awhile ago. He entered for the service into the full music…

He remembered part of the lyric of the song: “God who moves mountain,” he smiled painfully knowing that his mountain is how to get the attention of the Praying Mantis.

As he raised his head after closing prayer he saw her walked past his side along with a man in full discussion.

He knew it wasn’t right to excuse her from the other guy. They may have the same mission: Men around full blown goddess of beauty.

Yet he was grateful to God like somebody who just won a lottery. Grateful for what you asked me?

Their faces met. To Felix, it was like he just beheld the face of an angel.

He knelt and prayed further for strength.

For the first time in a long time, something bowed him down.

“Lord,” he prays, “I need your help, I love Mary and I wouldn’t want her go.”

He sat for a long time before he lifted himself back to his car and sluggishly drove back home.

Watch out part 3… 


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