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Unlocking Destiny: The Puzzle Arrangement and Staircase Principle.


Today, we embark on a journey of understanding destiny fulfillment through two practical illustrations: the puzzle arrangement and the staircase principle. These analogies offer valuable insights into the process of realizing our life’s purpose and the importance of perseverance and faith along the way.

The Puzzle Arrangement:

When faced with a puzzle, we are often given a hint or guide to assist us in the arrangement. Initially, the pieces may seem disordered and lack coherence, but we persist, placing each piece meticulously until the puzzle takes shape. Similarly, our life’s purpose is like a puzzle. At the beginning, all we have is an idea, an inner imprint, and our experiences to guide us. When we share our vision with others, they may laugh or fail to comprehend because there is nothing tangible to show them yet. However, we must not allow the absence of immediate results to deter us from the process of arranging our life’s puzzle.

Let’s consider the example of the World Changers Network. Initially, many many saw weekly discussions, but the true vision is to raise leaders in multiple countries. The year 2020 served as a foundation-laying period, and in 2021, we made practical impacts through established content on this platform and our website, by the grace of God. Our destiny, like a puzzle, should never be abandoned. It is our calling, and as we persevere, clarity will emerge with each passing day.

Reflecting on the life of William Wilberforce, we see a remarkable illustration of unwavering commitment to destiny. Wilberforce’s calling was to lead campaigns against the abhorrent slave trade throughout his life. For many years, his efforts seemed futile, as progress was slow and opposition formidable.

Yet, in the twilight of his years, he received news of the abolition of slave trade—a testament to his unwavering resolve. Had Wilberforce halted his pursuit halfway, the world would have missed out on the transformative change he ultimately achieved.

The Staircase Principle:

Another valuable illustration of destiny fulfillment is the staircase principle. Just as a staircase consists of individual steps leading to a higher level, our journey towards purpose unfolds incrementally. Each step represents a significant milestone or achievement, contributing to our overall growth and progress. It is crucial to recognize that reaching the top of the staircase requires ascending one step at a time. We may encounter setbacks, challenges, and moments of doubt, but if we remain steadfast, embracing the process, we will eventually arrive at our desired destination.

In our pursuit of purpose, it is essential to acknowledge that the path may not always be linear or predictable. There will be twists, turns, and moments when the way forward seems uncertain. However, we must not allow temporary setbacks or external opinions to discourage us. By focusing on each step, diligently working towards our goals, and trusting the divine guidance that illuminates our path, we will ultimately reach the pinnacle of our destiny.


As we navigate the journey of destiny fulfillment, let us internalize the wisdom offered by the puzzle arrangement and the staircase principle. Just like assembling a puzzle, our purpose may start as an abstract concept, requiring patience, persistence, and unwavering faith to bring it to fruition. Similarly, ascending the staircase of purpose necessitates taking one step at a time, recognizing that each milestone contributes to our overall growth. Let us embrace the process, trust the inner calling within us, and remain steadfast in our pursuit of purpose. Remember, even in moments of uncertainty, our destiny will make perfect sense in due time.

Embracing the Eternal: Destiny as a Lifetime Program:

Our destinies are not confined to our earthly existence; they extend into eternity. This realization unveils the profound truth that we cannot fully comprehend the entirety of our purpose or destiny within the limited span of our lives on Earth. It is essential to recognize that even Jesus’ destiny did not end at the cross or with His death. Every day, we have the opportunity to breathe new meaning into our destiny if we are courageous enough to live it out.

1. Many Destiny Pursuit is a Lifetime Program:

Destiny is not a one-time event but a lifelong journey. Our purpose evolves and expands over time, as we continually discover new facets of its expression. Just as Jesus’ destiny extended beyond His earthly life, our destinies continue to unfold even after we depart from this world. It is a continuous process of growth, learning, and impact that resonates throughout eternity.

2. The Staircase Principle:

No matter how grand and magnificent our destiny may be, it often begins in a state of abasement, where we may lack outward attractiveness or prominence. In fact, if people do not laugh at your audacious dreams, then perhaps you have missed something crucial. Every destiny, at its fullest expression, radiates glory. However, no destiny is built from the top. Just as Jesus could have chosen to be born in a palace, divine order had Him enter the world in a humble manger among animals.

Similarly, our own circumstances, such as being born into poverty, growing up in a war-torn region, or facing early limitations, are not accidents. Sometimes, God intentionally places us in these situations to protect and prepare us for a future time. If Jesus had been exposed at birth, Herod would have sought to kill Him. Therefore, we must navigate through different levels and stages in our journey, gradually unfolding our destiny as we are being refined and equipped.

The Lesson:

While we may have a clear sense of purpose, its impact may not be immediately evident. We must grow in our destiny, moving from glory to glory. It is common to become frustrated after heeding the call because we expect instant recognition and accolades. However, we must remember that the vision has an appointed time. As stated in Habakkuk 2:3, “though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.” Impatience and comparing ourselves with others can lead to a loss of faith and derail our destiny.

Instead, we must focus on our own race and daily seek God’s guidance to lead us from one level of glory to another. Our destiny is found in God, not in the noisy distractions that surround us. As we abide in Him, we are transformed from glory to glory by the power of the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:18). Embracing the staircase principle, we understand that climbing the steps of destiny requires patience and a steady progression. Trying to reach the top overnight may result in a catastrophic crash that hinders our recovery.


Destiny is a lifelong program that extends beyond our earthly existence. We must embrace the eternal perspective, recognizing that our purpose continues to evolve and unfold throughout eternity. Just as Jesus’ destiny did not end at the cross, ours too transcends the limitations of time. Let us be patient with ourselves and others, understanding that the journey of life is a marathon, not a sprint. As participants in the World Changers community, we are committed to running this race, knowing that our destiny unfolds as we faithfully pursue it. May we find solace in knowing that our destinies are not confined to this realm, but reach into the realms of eternity.


World Changers Christian Leadership School is set up to launch the emerging leaders into the heartbeat of God: taking the word of God to heal the societal maladies in their various forms.

On this premise, we would be raising men who have the capacity to transform the different sectors of the society starting with the church. To be a student, WhatsApp +2348033750871

*** Contact Us if you want to run a World Changers Leadership School in Your Community, WhatsApp +2348033750871

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  1. Thank you!!1

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