Dear Lord, open our hearts to receive the blessings from your word. In Jesus name

A foundation to getting a spouse is to fill yourself with much value you cannot be ignored. Nobody do away with valuables

When you’re valuable you’ll not be ignored. *This further tells us: we should never look like the needy

Nobody wants to marry a liability. Remember somebody can have money and still be an emotional liability.

Don’t be needy of:


Appear full and you become attractive in the market place of suitors.

What this means is: don’t advertise your pains, constraint and challenges… Market your strength.


Everybody has a truckload. No one seem interested in extra challenges or loads. In relationship everyone’s joy is to have someone to complement their strength and weakness. Your spouse needs you to fill a void. Don’t enlarge his or her troubles.

Let’s use this scenario:

In the job market. During interview the person that finally gets the job is the one that comes to offer values. The one that seems needy don’t get the job.

Important rule: don’t appear needy, appear valuable. That’s why you don’t beg to marry anybody. You’ll not enjoy the marriage by doing that.

Match value with values.

I’m not saying while marrying a rich dude you too should be rich.

Instead, I’m saying you’re valuable already. You have something to give… A mentality kind of thing. The beggarly mentality expects to be on the receiving side all along. At the end of the day, they become victims of the union when they fail to serve usefulness to their spouse.


When the strong one who seem to provide all things in the marriage seem not to receive any kind or commensurate return. He or she feels cheated and he or she pounce on the weaker.
When you have a mindset to be value-adding spouse you’ll always have something to give (this is not about money)…


Ruth didn’t start with the needy heart. She was purposefully committed to taking care of her aging mother in law and therein she found a husband

I remembered my wife, I was in one of my lowest state living in one dingy corner. She came to lighten my countenance and was around me as a good friend. It was easy to make up my mind for her… There were other ladies but she touched my heart in ways ahead others.

Touch somebody’s heart with cares and affections. Value isn’t about money.

Find time for someone
Smile and make others happy.
Give genuine advice
Show true love
Share your goodies and bounties.
Be a shoulder to lean on…

Then a spouse would appear.

Rebekah found a spouse because she went out of her way to care for the stranger Many people lost a spouse because they maltreated the stranger that comes their ways.

Add value and be good… You don’t know who will recommend you to meet your anticipated spouse Forget about the pressure. Show kindness and love on your way daily… Somebody is watching.

In our search for love, it’s not getting a spouse that’s as important as what we become. If you get a spouse without developing a sound character you may soon be back on the street for another spouse.

Nobody wants igi eleera

This means nobody want to carry wood infested with ants.

Please be so much developed that everybody wants you.


1. Write down the values you think you have (knowing that everyone has value)

2. What values will you be bringing into your love affairs. How will you make yourself attractive and specially remembered in the heart of your man/woman. Don’t talk about sex or romance here.

3. What’s people’s perception about you? If your neighbour has to recommend you to a suitor or prospect what will he or she say about you?

In rounding up remember that gold is valuable, but if it’s not showcased no one buys it…

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