Today we will look at it’s application and usefulness in our day to day activities.

Last week we look at Christ and David’s team.
We saw that their teams were classified from large team to manageable 3. We learnt that world class team isn’t about number but impact. We learnt that it’s easy to affect very few people in a deeper way than have a large crowd in our team.

If we must have large number in our team we must find means of stratifying them into smaller units.

Look at the human body system. As large as it is, it’s sub-categorized into smaller units of systems, organs, tissues and cells. Yet they are all interrelated.

This shows the depth of God’s wisdom in putting structures in place. At this juncture on WORLD CHANGERS NETWORK we will adopt this principle of stratification across the diverse nations represented here.

We will have national leaders, etc.
Remember, those who change the world don’t often begin large!

A good example:

He was among a large number of princes adopted by the king of Babylon but it took Daniel and his 3 friends to influence the world power of those days.

They were simple men like you and me.
In Daniel 1, we can see how Daniel team was also composed of 3.

In my teaching I’m not saying that you should strictly have only 3 people in your team. What I’m saying is keep your team small but formidable.

What I’m saying is this from Christ’s and David’s experience:

Jesus had 12 disciples and the rest. Yet he has his arrowhead composed of 3: Peter, John and James. David had up to 600strong force, among this is about 30 mighty men of war.

Yet there is David’s three in 2Sam 23

Adino the Eznite
Eleazar son of Dodo
Shammar son of Agee

Striking application
You’ll not just arrive at your core team without spreading your net far. Jesus had up to 500 followers in his lifetime, then the 72, then 12 and then his 3.

In realizing a world class dream you must reach out to many. Sell your idea, vision, product and ideal to as many as possible. Yet do not lose sight of the core few (3).

Under Pareto postulation he classified activities, sales, performance, etc into two category:

The vital few and
The trivial many.

Never mistaken the trivial many for the vital few. Remember, world class team isn’t about number but impact:

Jesus 12 sustained Christ’s vision and reached the entire world of man.

David mighty men sustained David’s dominion beyond the border of Israel.

Further application
The concept of world class team structure removes the stress in what you do, instead it helps you focus more on *quality* impact than quantity. Quality impact overtime brings in the harvest of quantity.

Jesus in his lifetime was working on producing quality disciples.

He seem to be slow but the depth of transformation he cast on the disciples made his work undying. When you have depth, the world will seek for you in due time.

Like Jesus, when you build quality team, the world will follow you:

Mark 1:36-37 KJV
And Simon and they that were with him followed after him. [37] And when they had found him, they said unto him, All men seek for thee.

Understanding the simplicity of building a world class team removes the fear of starting.
Then you know reaching to the whole world doesn’t mean winning the entire world to yourself overnight, the fear of starting will be dissolved.

Quality impact in one corner of the world would attract people to you all over the world.
This platform was initially few from Nigeria called Mentor group few years ago, recently we have people from other parts of the world. As we make demand of world class excellence on ourselves, the rest of the world will be attracted to this platform if we don’t relent.

Think of the power of quality 3 in your business. Do you think of starting a new venture? Think of your first 3 clients, outing, marketing, etc and the fear of the large demand will be dissolved.

You thought of your:

First 3 employees
First 3 salesmen
First 3 sales
First 3 distributors
First 3 income

The power of 3 makes starting any venture or organization easy.

Let’s say you have:

100 employees
100 salesmen
100 sales
100 distributors

Raise a strong team of 3 among them.

This 3 will become a standard:

For your organization raise from their midst a team of 3 for important areas of operations.

These three becomes:
The standard
The arrowhead
Inner circle
Your core team

In executing the overarching goal or objective
Remember, the quality of your central team will elevate the quality of the rest.

Building a world class team is primarily building a vital few who understand and could replicate the outcome.

Building a world class team isn’t about running around hoping to touch the world but having well organized few with capacity to impact the rest of the world in a domino formation.


Replicate your team in a way that it flows like a domino. So that when it starts, it continues nonstop… Making a cross border impact.

A world class team has in its structure:

Viral design
Network formation
A domino flow.

This simply means raising your vital few who likewise reach out to their own vital few… And so on.

How could your team become viral?

How could WORLDCHANGERSNETWORK become an assembly of viral team?

If you don’t understand today’s discussion, please copy and read later. There’s something to help you become BIG if only you could see through:

For instance continuous ploughing to improve on your vital few team will help you improve:

Corporate enlargement, etc.

Think of just one man (Adino) in David’s team matching 800 soldiers.

Find your 3 mighty men in that operation, vision or venture.

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