Today we will be looking at

The type of people we should listen to

This will also reveal to us the kind of people we are not to listen to!

Every human being listen to someone or the other. The kind of people we listen to will determine how far we would go in life.

1. Don’t listen to naysayers, people who look down on you. Listening to naysayers leads to distractions.

This calls for discipline and capacity to rule over our emotions. Don’t answer back at their mudslinging and aspersions.
Nehemiah is a good example here. Nehemiah had many enemies. Chief of them were Sanballat and Tobiah. They constituted distractions to the rebuilding of the Wall of Jerusalem.

What did Nehemiah do?

He kept his focus on his goal of rebuilding.
If you have a worthy goal you’ll not give attention to naysayers.

2. Don’t listen to gossips.

Often those who gossip are often behind or beneath you. Therefore, it doesn’t worth you looking backward to attend to them.
To fight or listen to gossip is condescending… Responding to backbiters make you like them. You make them happy responding to them; for that’s what they want. The more you respond to backbiters the more you drop from your goals as a leader.

3. Don’t listen to people who position themselves as your enemies. Naturally, enemies will not have much good to talk about, of you. They look down on every achievements of yours.

Know that they are a set of people you cannot please no matter what you do.

4. Don’t listen to people who pose as rivals. If you give yourself to competition, you’ll wear out fast. What rivalry does is make you to compete on issues that’s not core to your vision, goals and purpose.

Example, you are building a lifestyle of financial freedom if you have people at office who pose as rivals you may dump your goals and you may begin the rat race of buying things, toys, appliances.

Rivalry often takes you off the mark. Instead of competing become distinct. Responding to rivalry only leads to weakening of resolves to live in certain way of purposeful life.

5. Don’t give your listening ear to those who add nothing to you. Life is too short to be wasted. Mark people who discuss petty issues.

You may be with some people, after 5hours you just find out that you have talked aimlessly without any important issue trashed.

Life is too short to be wasted on trivial talks
There are people who makes the difference while in their midst… Those are the kind of people you commune with.

Now let’s move to part B…

Those we should listen to

1. Listen to people who will add to you.

This are the kind of people who add value to you. Always remember: the kind of people you listen to is the kind of people you become
Amnon the son of David when filled with incest for Tamar his sister sought advice from Abnadab who was a shrewd man. His advice made him lie with Tamar and he paid for it with his life.

Many of us fell into adultery, stealing, corruption or one vice or the other because of the kind of people we listen to.

2. Listen to those who make you what you’re. They have power to unmake you.

Saul was made king through his anointing. But King Saul got to the point he felt he doesn’t need God.

He listened to the people instead of God. That puts an end to his reign.

An ex-president of Nigeria got to power through one of his predecessors. Then he turned his back on him. The old warlord tore his party card publicly and this president lost election in spite of being the incumbent. Those who make you can unmake you. Always listen to them

Example of those in this category:

Your parents
Your boss/employer
Your spiritual leader

3. Listen to those who know your beginning
Those who know your beginning are more trusted and will be sincere to tell you many truth.

Those who met you when you’ve arrived will only pay lip service to get what they want.

Those who know your beginning will be more forthright with you. Listen to them more than strangers when they talk with you.

4. Listen to those who know more than you. Nobody knows it all. When you meet somebody who gets good results. Listen to them.

Don’t discount good result. Study success, therein is the clue to your own success. This is very central to our discussion: Listen more and talk less when you’re before those who succeed more than you.

I have had privilege of being with fine talkers. I keep quiet, because they dominate talks.

Unfortunately, the more talks the more they ooze out emptiness… Yet they are often wiser than others in their own eyes.

One of the signs of very successful people is that they rarely talk except when it is demanded. They don’t like wasting their talk, they invest it.
Simply, empty barrels make loudest noise. Listen more and you’ll be counted as being wise.

Proverbs 17:28 KJV
Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

Even a fool, when he learn to be quiet and learning to listen he grows wiser.

5. Listen to people who can connect you up.
Samuel was the voice God recognized. Instead of Saul waiting for him, he offered sacrifice ahead of him. Then he entered a perpetual life disconnection from the throne and heaven.

Life has gates wherein men are stationed. You must recognize these men and listen to them. When you do, they connect you to your dream
David recognized this in an Egyptian slave who connected his path to where his captured family were (1Sam 30).

6. Listen to those in authority
Authority and power proceeds from God.
God honours people in authority. Never look down on authority because it can spell doom when you go contrary to their judgement

Romans 13:1-4 KJV
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. [2] Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. [3] For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: [4] For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

Those in this category include:
Political leaders
Leaders of groups or association,

7. Listen to people who love you.

Those who love you will always want the best for you. Life will be more pleasant when we give more time to our beloved ones.

They are more for our goods
Many married men will rather listen to women outside than their wives.

In average homes, wives will want the best for their husband than would anyone else out there
Sometime ago we had a young girl under us. She fell in love. The more we advice her the more we became her enemy. She followed a guy she met less than six months earlier.
She jettisoned advice from people who raised her from childhood. She paid for it, because leaving home was the beginning of struggles which are needless
When you’re confused about who to listen to.

Ask yourself: who are those that love me… I’m not talking about amorous love here.
If Eve used this yardstick she wouldn’t fall for the devil’s lie because

God loves her more
God knew her beginning
God made her
God owns the authority over her
God gave her all she had
God knows her beginning
God connects her to Adam
8. Listen to those who anoint you or those who are anointed over you
God exalts his anointed and he honours their words
Caveat: Learn to discern those who are truly anointed… I’m not talking about human title here. I hope you know: by their fruit you will know them.
Take this home:
*When to talk:*
Learn to talk when you know you are going to make a difference.
Don’t just talk for talking sake. Fools talk without control or internal regulator
When to listen*
Learn to listen when what’s being said will make a positive difference in you
Looking above you’ll see that when to talk and when to listen are opposite
God bless you for your time… I hope this Tuesday teaching is helping you become a better leader and person.

If so please invite others through this link

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