Good evening to our big family here. I lost my dad to death yesterday night.
And I have significant lessons to share on it for every relationship. I hope to be able to wrap it up.
My Dad is a no-nonsense retired policeman. He is a strong personality. He loved the children but you cannot see it except during some vulnerable moments that threatens his children such as sickness or near-death experiences a couple of time.
I cannot remember him hugging me as I grow, he has his way of expressing love. I think I took a little of this nature.
*Fast forward:
Few days ago, getting closer to the end he looked at my elder sister Margaret and my brother Joseph. Then a little tear trickled down his cheek. My sister wiped it and he drew my brother to himself and he began to mumble some words.
This is the deepest way Dad ever showed expression. It was deep, meaningful, vibrating and will last us for ages.
I was told… This is touching.
And I’m happy for this
Deep lessons for relationship…
1. Let’s not be too strong to show love.
2. Let our weakness be about showing love constantly. Let it be our weakness that we show more love. Let our husband, wives and children feel the love in full.
3. Let’s love one another as spouses and children and family at all times
*A major point:
Before death while about crossing over grudges, hatred and banters about enemies wouldn’t matter to any of us.
Which means we can be deliberate about loving everybody while we are full of life.
*A deep thrust
Our humanity is deeper than we can imagine. We are all well connected. People from all walks of life shared my grief and loss. Even many people that I have never met before.
Somebody came to mind: she dealt subtly with me some years ago. She also identified with me. My heart melts in love:
And I heard in my spirit, human don’t often deliberately hurt each other. There are forces hurling us against each other.
Our grief is symbolic in letting us know that we truly care for one another.
*A message
Before death or at death of a loved one you overlook all offences. They no longer matter.
Consciously overlook all offences. Don’t wait till death experiences.
*The gain of letting go:
You drink full benefit of the relationship and goodness will be opened up for a long time while actively alive.
Ultimately we will forget hurts while transiting from this world into the world beyond.
Is anything hurting in your relationship? Connect back, flow and amend.
You wouldn’t have this version of your world back so live it to the full and in love now.
There are beautiful lessons for the living and for good relationship when we visit the dying ones… Most of the nuances and shortcomings become irrelevant.
Think deep on this, there’s a lesson for you here.
Ecclesiastes 7:1-4 KJV
A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth. [2] It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart. [3] Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better. [4] The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.
*In loving memory of my Dad Ilesanmi ADEWUMI who passed on yesterday.*
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