Today we will be talking on how to achieve more results in marriages, less quarrel and more understanding.
In marriage, it is an institution where example is worth a ton than mere talk. I’m going to use some live example to buttress my point.
Recently I went to a more elderly friends home.
We were talking and he scored a beautiful point in my heart. It was impressed and I put it to practice.
He doesn’t like plates being left overnight in the basin. He’s talked about it and the family will not comply.
Then God gave him the wisdom…
He will go to the plates and wash them everyday. For his age, far above fifty, his action spoke volume.
The result he couldn’t get by force and much talk he got by living by example. Jesus lived and taught by example, not just by word admonition.
See example of this at the feet washing:
John 13:14-15 KJV
If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. [15] For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.
The example we show goes a long way to buttress our stand. In marriage, as in life nobody takes us serious until we live by example
The elderly man I mentioned, without the wisdom that proceed from God could have resorted to quarrel, fights and cursing.
I have to weigh in how many times I complained about incidences in my home without result.
Many of our communication and commands are flouted because there’s no valid example , pattern or model set in place by us. Here, may God help every parent in Jesus name.
I remember how I used to complain about the arrangement in our sitting room. Nothing changed for a very long time.
Until one day, a brother came in while we were out and help rearrange the sitting room. The sitting room wore a new look. Afterward the new look became a pattern and standard for our sitting room.
I talked so much but no result because I didn’t lay a good example…. Doing this for months. Whereas somebody came in and less than 2hours achieved what I have failed achieving for years.
Looking into your marriage, there are things you’ve been complaining of since your wedding day that haven’t change a bit.
Don’t you think, if you begin to live the life, example, pattern or model you’ll achieve more?
Living the life is better than talking the life. When you want result, live the life you expect from others, you’ll be so amaze how quickly you transform your partner
1 Peter 3 the Bible says a woman easily win over her husband by her conduct than mere talking.
This applies to men too.
Further example:
You want more transparency in your family finances, don’t preach it live as example.
It may take time, gradually your spouse begins to understand and learn to follow the example laid. You told her to be transparent in her earning, income and spending but you go out spend yours as you like.
That’s sin… Not love… For do unto others as you would want them do to you
A final example:
I naturally don’t hide my income and spending from my wife even before marriage. Over the years she’s come to trust me fully with whatever she has. In turn she is very transparent with her income without having to monitor her
In the same like don’t talk about trust, earn it and your partner understand what trust means.
Little talk more examples yield more result.
As I round up, look at those issues causing quarrels repeatedly.
Maybe all you need do is live as an example.