Today, my aim is to help you redirect your life through the power of favour as you make favour a recurring decimal in your life.

Some of us believe favour is some vague and abstract things that happen to some certain people by luck or chance.

And many of us believe we cannot influence favour to our side. From my understanding of the Bible and the Law of Cause and Effect, I have come to find out that we can sow the seed of favour and reap enormous harvest from it.

Without favour nobody can fulfill his destiny. Leaders need the power of favour to propel their vision to accomplishment.

The Bible says of Jesus: he had favour before God and man. If you’re going to be an influential person, you’ll need favour to get there. Never say you don’t need people around you to get to where you’re going in life and destiny. That’s childish talk. What you don’t appreciate you cannot have.

The people you don’t celebrate cannot celebrate.

When I was younger I tend to go solo and do things alone and personally.

When I grow up, I learn that without leverage with people one is going to end pretty small. God forbid. So I learn to cultivate more friends. And as a life policy… No enemy… I don’t cultivate enemies around me. So when I get into a neighbourhood I always make this resolve: No fight and no quarrels for as long as I’m around here.

I’m not saying you should force relationship. But as much as it lies on you, be at peace with all. For every relationship you battered, you reduce your favour coefficient. With more people on your side the better the success.

Above all, the most important favour you need is God. No doubt about it! You also need that of men likewise… Like Jesus.

Lesson from Joseph

Joseph early in life built a strong bond with his father, Jacob. This led to favour from Jacob as he received preeminence among his brethren. The favour from his Father gave him deeper knowledge of God above his brethren… As we know Jacob is a staunch follower of God.

Genesis 49:26 KJV
The blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting hills: they shall be on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren.

Favour from his father was foundational to other favour.

As you grow, do all you can to receive favour from every quarter possible. Never despise parental favour… It has the capacity to unlock other favour as we can see in Joseph and Jacob.

Jacob led Joseph to the favour of God. From thence anywhere he goes he receive favour.
As you go in life, do all you can to receive the favour of God. Without God’s favour, other kinds of favours are useless.

How do you multiply the power of favour in your life?

1. Prayer… When your ways are hard you can pray through for the workings of favour in your life.

2. Conscious friendliness. He that wants friends must be friendly himself

3. Be merciful. Be merciful so you can receive mercy. Show favour and favour will follow you.
In the prophecy of Abraham to Ishmael, he said Ishmael will be against everybody and everybody else will be against him. Favour cannot increase when you’re against every other person.

Make it happen for others so they also will be delighted to make it happen for you

How favour grew around me.
Some many years ago, I realize I was not different from other people. Life was hard.

Consciously I transform within.

1. I see myself as a spiritual blessing portal to people around me.

2. I pray for them even without they knowing especially in areas of needs.

3. I give and support what they do.

4. I developed listening ears. The people aren’t interested in me but solving their problems. So if I can help them solve their problems they will have time for me.

When I did the above, the aura of favour began to grow around me, unlike before.

You don’t just pray favour through, you work it through prayerfully.

Religion believes you get something for nothing. Spiritual sense on the other hand shows us that life is a transaction… Everything is worked out based on natural and spiritual principles of give and take

How did Joseph got to the palace?

Joseph was a prisoner but a different kind of prisoners.

Other prisoners were much more cumbered with their problems.

Joseph in spite of his challenges was looking out for the other prisoners.

No wonder he became the president of the rest prisoners.

He left his issues and problems to solve that of the butler and cupbearer to the king.

This was what earned him gracious favour that made him appear before Pharaoh.

The rest was history as he became the Governor of Egypt

You cannot be callous, wicked and selfish and expect the favour that proceeds from God.

You cannot be mean, self serving and narrow minded and expect the oil of favour
God doesn’t miss his object of favour.

God is not a gambler, he’s certain and precise in operation. Favour no doubt will take you up, but you need to be align.

Consciously build bulwarks of favour.

Live to be the center of your universe through the workings of the power of favour. God’s general rises through the ranks by favour. Joseph the slave by favour rose to the top and rule the land of Egypt.

At the fullness of time he stood before his brethren, dream fulfilled and lives transformed and nations come to him in Egypt…

And he said to his brethren: I AM JOSEPH
When the force of favour comes into your life, those who have despised you will find it difficult to believe you are the new you.

The end of the series.

God bless you all in Jesus name.

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