Genesis 37:18-20 KJV

And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him. [19] And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh. [20] Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him: and we shall see what will become of his dreams.

I pray for everyone who’s being attacked by reason of your dream; be delivered in Jesus name.

Sometimes ago, not too long – I have perennial financial constraints and other challenges.

Most times I thought it was normal and as just one of the issues of life. Then the Lord gave me divine insights:

Those constraints are not about you: The enemy is attacking the dream, the vision and purpose of your life.

Take the war to the devil’s doorsteps.

Within few day of praying against the demonic forces of witchcraft, everything changes to the glory of God.

Every attack is against the revelation and the fulfilment of destiny. It’s not about you but the dream.

The devil is never so concerned on whether you could feed and use a posh car – his constraints is always laid on the path that unveil your greater self. He want to incapacitate you, cast fear on your heart and laid siege on what you would ever want to attempt to do.

None of us matters, it’s the dream and its execution that’s important.

In a greater sense, we are all carriers of dreams. We are all ambassadors and emissaries of divine assignments if we will yield thus.
We are called and on account of this the enemy sets out to attack.

In the Old Testament, reference to an invisible enemies aren’t directly referenced but some scriptures shows this.
1. In the days of Deborah, there was a war. The stars/angels were involved in the battles.

2. When Daniel prays, we had revelation that there were demonic princes that interfered in nature.


3. When Ahab was to go to battle there were lying demons urging him.

The bottom line, there are demonic power behind evil activities. There are evil hands manipulating the dream and purpose of life. This we must be observant of and cast down.
Like Joseph, they see the glory afar and they conspire to pull down.

Pray against every power conspiring to pull you down and such working against the dream in Jesus name

I am Joseph

The story
Joseph upon waking up on a certain day was reliving his dream and praying for its earnest fulfilment when suddenly was interrupted by his father: Go check your brother in the field
He couldn’t query the suddenness of his dad. Like an obedient child he was, took off… He never knew destiny would begin to unfold upon his dream.

The twist and the turns, they are all incidences to promote the fulfilment if we remain true and calm.

Between the dream and it’s fulfilment will be near death experiences. The path to your haven of rest will not be straight, it is the narrow path of Jesus and the valley of the shadow of death of David.

The world we are in: the builder and the destroyers are neighbour; and the destroyers are many as in Joseph’s case: you cannot stop their activities except by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Joseph’s brethren have premeditated plan against Joseph because as soon as he appeared, they conspired and say:

Here comes the dreamer

Since the day they knew about this dream, they began to work against the fulfilment.

Think of it: If Joseph had no dream, he would have remained their common friend.

So it wasn’t Joseph who was threat to his brethren. It was his dream.

If you had remained like them and do things like them, you’ll be accepted. When you tend to be different, you set out to be their enemy.

The world wants to suck you in, blend you and make you like them. It’s comforting to be like the rest, but it only yield a life of no meaning.
When there’s no fight, enmity or pain, there’s no growth.

Like Jesus

Jesus stood out among the Pharisees and Sadducees in ideology. He refused to blend.

This was his sin. The Son of glory was killed… And by their acts was set on the throne of perpetual relevance.

Joseph’s nemesis was his dream. When you want friends, be without vision or purpose.
When you’re everybody’s friend, just know you’re going nowhere.

When you could blend with all, just know your life wouldn’t count much. When you do not stand out for any message, you’re merely marking time.

What story do you carry?

What’s your dream?

Every time the enemy fight, it’s to stop the dream. In the real sense, you have no enemy, it’s the message in you that’s being assaulted

After much pains and sufferings some people pollute the message while others give up on the dream and pursuit.

The last lap:

Genesis 37:23-25 KJV
And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren, that they stript Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that was on him; [24] And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it. [25] And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, behold, a company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.

There’s humiliation in tons when you carry a vision and dream. The first attack is that the enemy will remove your clothing… They tend to laugh at you, discredit you, malign you, speak ill of you and many of such acts

At such instance, you may think that you are forsaken and drifting downward.

When Joseph asked for fulfilment of his dreams, instead he was placed on death sentence. They removed his clothes, dishonoured and disdained.

At the early path of any worthwhile dream your friends, neighbours and associates will try to dishonour you. They would ask, what does he think he’s?

When you have such a sign, don’t give up because as you move on in life:

That coat of many colours will be replaced with royal robe. No matter how beautiful what they took as you drive towards the dream you’ll have much more when you stay through.

For the dreamers of our world, nothing leads to losses.

The Sign
They were angry with Joseph and his dream. Instantly they removed his enviable beautiful coat and cast him into a pit.

Here is the sign:
By divine benevolent, the pit was without water.

As you journey in life the divine hand will guide you in such a way that arrows of wickedness will not prevail over you. Because the dream has to be fulfilled, God will always make a way of escape.

In spite of the attack, God will always give you token of his love and signs that he’s with you.
Joseph was finally sold into slavery. As he journey to Egypt he kept the image of the pit abreast: if God could be mindful to save him in the pit, he will save him in Egypt.

The pit which ought to be a sign of defeat, became the reinforcing power of FAITH:

The pit is where the Lord shows you the token of the promise, that the vision cannot be aborted. Keep going.

Isaiah 43:2 KJV
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

The pit does not abort the vision, it only confirms that the appointed vision will come to pass.
Thank you

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