I pray that the Lord’s presence will manifest within each of us in order that we may dream right and fulfill them in Jesus name.

Our scripture is:

Genesis 37:5-12 KJV
And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more. [6] And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed: [7] For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and, behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf. [8] And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words. [9] And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. [10] And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? [11] And his brethren envied him; but his father observed the saying. [12] And his brethren went to feed their father’s flock in Shechem.

Dream in context is the ability to create image whether during sleep or while awake which often represents the future or event to happen later in life.

According to the above scripture, not all men dream world changing dreams. Some don’t have what it takes to conceive and birth dreams. 

There’s a positioning required to dream. You must get yourself into that state. Going back to Part 1 teaching we do realize the lifestyles of Joseph’s brethren, pretentious and anathema to the patriarchs’ principles and doctrines

When we engage in fleshly lusts and life of corruption and sinfulness we are zeroed out of the candidates who dream world changing dreams.

World changing dream is not what anybody can conjure for anyone. If it’s not there it can’t be formulated. Sometimes we mistaken worldly achievement with this thing we are talking about.

Remember our Lord says: What shall it profit a man if he gains the while world and lose his soul. Esau had the worldly goods yet cry for that thing…

When it is not there all the money, fame and women of this world cannot fill the emptiness
In the days of Jacob, only Joseph filled the space.

Can you stand up to be the Joseph of our generation. There’s a price, but when you fill it the floodgate of insights, understanding and deep learning will be opened to you. Here, we are talking about you receiving the very dream of heaven.

Many lives are cold and without direction because they’ve not received the heavenly vision. This heavenly vision was what Paul received that he couldn’t sit quiet anymore until he outdo the apostles ahead of him.

There’s a channel in everyman to receive this heavenly dream. But for many, sinfulness and conformation to the world has blocked it.

Some of us are born again and children of God


We cannot receive this heavenly vision because we have mellowed the gospel, we have adapted the worldly counsel for God’s.

We have taken the hands of God as being weak to save us. When we open up… Then only God will matter, then the channel will open and the king of glory will come in. Then those who use to know you shall see a different being and they shall say: He has been with the Lord.

I am Joseph!

What makes Joseph different?
In Part 1, we mention three I can remember now

1. He stood out on the righteous course.

2. He is kind, even to an aged father.

3. He is hardworking… Working between home and field, like the multipurpose foreman ?
Today we shall add this.

Joseph is different because of:

1. His dream
2. Boldness and courage to communicate it

His dream
His brother were the bandwagon type, they do what others are doing.

Others are drunk, they are drunk.

Others are in adultery they join on excuses.

They revel on fat of meat.

They own bad report altogether.

Joseph stood out*

His brethren were satisfied early with their lives.

They were content being the shepherds all their lives.

Just enough to be like every other neighbour.

Joseph was different
Joseph was different, he was imagining what the future looks like.

He felt life should be more than being a Shepherd boy.

He prayed and asked of God to rise as a global icon… Yet he knows not how it will come to pass.

When others were running carefree he was preparing for a glorious future.

No wonder even his baby brother Benjamin married at the age of about 14-16years… While his brother kept dreaming.

Then God appeared in the night and spoke to Joseph in a dream.

The prayer was answered.



Dreams take after our passion, mindset, prayer, fear, etc.

Dreams takes its flesh from the capacity of our thought (spirit or inner man)

This is an entire secret for another day: you can change your dream.

Joseph had a dream like a rising sun… A global vision.

My advice: Don’t rest until you have a global vision.

A global vision is a kind of mindset that calls for excellence, exceptional performance and unique impression…

And an entire generations benefit therein.

America is a case study… They think globally so they become what they think.

Africa can raise global icons if we raise thought leaders who will persist to tell her people that: It is possible!

Yes it is

In owning a global brand remember it’s not just about preaching alone, you can sell your service to the world… Whatever…

I’m scaling up in Jesus name

Joseph was bold to communicate his dream*

While growing up I’ve heard of preachers castigating Joseph for sharing his dream… According to the body of scriptures, they were wrong but Joseph was right.

Joseph was a son of old age to Jacob which Yoruba calls: Omo Agba. Meaning; Child of elders

He must have learnt this: Dream not shared can never materialize.

In Genesis when God brood on the earth to create… He didn’t speak until after getting the picture (dream) right…

Let there be light.

Dream you are not bold to share you are not entitle to own. Those who become your president and governor today shared their dreams and people followed.

Recently I shared an idea with somebody, though I’ve not launch out he promised to invest into the idea.

No idea is too big only if you can share it.
Very soon some of us will begin to run conglomerates that worth billions.

But those who know us when we started will tell the rest, it was once an idea.

Why have:

Vision Statement?

They are message of the future to elicit action now.

Joseph had the courage to speak out.

When you have the courage to speak out, some will antagonize you no doubt… But that’s part of the process… Nothing good comes without opposition. Be bold to speak, opposition is part of the raw materials for baking greatness.
Don’t forget:

1. Open the channel so to allow the dream to come… Create time for birthing of great dreams.

2. Be bold to communicate.

Watch out for Part 3

Thank you


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