Today we will be looking at the place of the word and our faith. At the end of the day I do believe the word will bring deliverance unto many in Jesus name. For the just lives by faith and we live from faith to faith.
Not from faith to fear

Not from faith to anxiety

Not from faith to oppression

Not from faith to frustration

The reality of a Christian is: from faith to faith.
So before we proceed, let us ask for forgiveness. Looking at this, many of us have erred and sinned. Since we have taken many decisions outside of faith.

Now I want to talk about the power of witches and wizards: No matter how seemingly powerful those things are, whatever we are afraid of is shadow while anything that strengthen our faith is the reality. They manipulate and create fear. When you succumb, their enterprise becomes your sinking “reality”

Whatever the devil and witches do are shadow to distort the truth of the word of God. Only the word of God is our reality as children of God. Every ground not founded on the word is false – sinking ground.

The human, the car, fame, etc… As they come they go. So, your experiences come and go but the word of God stands forever.


The only report we are allowed to believe is the report of the Lord. It is immature Christians that equate God based on their experience. Whatever the word didn’t say, we are not allow to promote or believe in.

We have talked about the natural and supernatural, and we established that everything natural isn’t real… They pass away with time

Poverty isn’t our reality

Sickness isn’t our reality

Death isn’t our reality

Oppression isn’t our reality.

When the Israelites equate God with the giants, they wept and ran away until somebody came with faith… Joshua and Caleb.

Your life experiences is a reflection of your faith or fear. If you gain nothing today, let it be this message: You are equal to your faith or fear! And when you equate your God based on your experiences, the situation isn’t going to change.

Somebody said it should be louder please:


You are equal to your faith or fear!
*You are equal to your faith or fear!*
*You are equal to your faith or fear!*

If possible I can keep repeating it like a broken record just to emphasis it again and again:
This is why being a Christian doesn’t stop the works of witches and wizards. What stops it is faith in the name of Jesus. So a Christian that jitters at the mention of diabolical power is already in their control. If you fear witches and wizards, you begin to see their operations more and more in your life.

You cannot rule anything you’re afraid of.

This is where we are going: Do you live in the shadow of darkness, fear, satan or reality of light, faith and Jesus?

When you had a bad dream. It’s a dream God wants you to pray about. This is often why you have bad dream; to show you things to pray about. But if you entertain fear, it comes to pass and destroy you.

It takes David who was not under the spell of Goliath to defeat Goliath. Whatever you’re afraid of, you cannot defeat. For the fact that you’re experiencing a thing doesn’t make it a biblical reality. For the fact you are oppress doesn’t make it true. Only what God says that’s true.

It’s because you submitted to the force; that’s why it’s controlling you.

We destroy every witchcraft spirit policing our lives and making us redundant in Jesus name. We shall not be put to shame. We shall not accept weakness and poverty as our realities in Jesus name.

Let’s begin to ask for power of dominion over every satanic force that rules over us and our families in Jesus name. We tear down every power that makes uncomfortable with pains and stress in the name of Jesus. In Jesus mighty name have we prayed

We receive abundance of your Spirit, your word and your life in the name of Jesus.

We are free and we enter into the reality of the word of God. Our children are free, our seeds are free. Lord we enter into the covenant of abundance. We are not giving an inch to the devil’s manipulation over our lives.

Everything that doesn’t agree with the word we pull down in Jesus name. Make us people of faith and people of power.

Lord have mercy on everyone praying earnestly and through and thorough.

To as many that want to give their lives to Jesus we pray:

Lord give your children a new beginning and deeper experience of salvation.

Help them to live above sins and all manipulations of the devil.

Is there anything they are believing you for? Lord answer them in Jesus name

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