My prayer is: God will speak to our hearts. And may he help us occupy our places in destiny in Jesus name.

The essence of the topic among other reasons:

1. Is to demystify what leadership is using scriptural truths

2. Help you position yourself for the leadership place only you are uniquely prepared for

Paul said, they that compare themselves with themselves are not wise. Each of us is unique. We possess different grace and capacity.

No two people are equally disposed with similar role and purpose in life.

You’re one in a million. All that God wants of you isn’t to be like anybody but to be you. The further we move from ourselves the more mess we make of our destiny.

This is the path to frustration and stagnation
We have had many people who were carried away by the shining light of a superior or famous leader.

Instead of cultivation of their own capacity, they pack up to watch the dazzling brilliance of the superstar.

Then in watching their own destiny burn out.
We are candles lighted for a time and season, let’s not hide our brilliance.

As I write this I remember an elderly man who God called into ministry in his midlife. Instead of heading the call he followed his friend to start a venture. The venture thrived and he forgot what he was called to be.

He grew old and retired… Callously he was retired empty handed by his friend. When we are not in the calling we suffer.

At old age (quarter to) he went to start what’s God’s original purpose in life. This in his old age.

We are all born to lead in one capacity or the other, but dependent of his divine programs

*Scriptural Narratives
1. Servants With Talents
Matthew 25:14-30
Jesus told a parable of 3 servants.

The truth learned from the story:

*1. The servants were given different numbers of talents
It means we are not equally endowed in life.

We have different capacities to do. There’s nothing we can do about this.

You cannot change your configuration.

2. There’s no room for competition or rivalry
The master knew that he didn’t give them equal numbers of talents.
3. All that God expects is best use of our talents, capacity, gifts, etc.
4. It’s not the number of talents you have but how best you use the talents
5. When you’re careless about the use of your talents you will be swallowed up.

The master said: take the talent from the unprofitable servant and give it to those who have made profit of theirs.

The question is: What were you called to do or be in life? Have you forgotten or buried it?
*This indicates that the first thing is knowing what you’re called to do or be.

Who are you?
This is the question many people failed to answered until they go into the grave. It’s a question nobody can help you answer but you… And this you do through the Holy Spirit and his illumination upon your heart.

Can you answer it boldly: Who are you?

The day you know who you’re, that day you’ll also know who you are not. Knowing who you’re takes you away from activities that are not suited and knowing who you are takes indolence and idleness away.

The day you know who you are you begin to dance to a different music.

Those who don’t know their talents lose their identity in life. The sorrow, the pain, the trouble is: many people die nameless, uncelebrated and buried as if they never came to the earth.
Those who don’t know their worth die without a tag, identity or recognition.

Those who don’t know who they are serve as the firewood to cook other people’s vision.
No matter how small, every man has a talent, a priceless gift by which he or she can serve his or her generation.
The sad thing is that many of us keep our gazes on the talents of those with ten talents and we fail to use our one talent
This is why WORLD CHANGERS NETWORK was created:

Specifically, we create this group to help those with one talents, those who think they don’t matter to realize that their talents are important.

Without you, those with 10 talents aren’t complete.

Make judicious use of your talents.

I am not complete without your talents and you’re not complete without mine.

We are a network, joined together yet, each of us is amazing.

I am amazing, I am unique.

The world isn’t complete without me.

I’m strategically created to affect my world.

I am.

You must realize and recognize your worth.

Stop living a buried life.

Stop living a wretched life. You need no ones permission to shine – heaven has endowed you with glory and honour.

As I round up, remember you don’t determine the talents given you. God determines this.

All he wants is the best use of it.
At the end of the day, the multiplication factor is dependent on how best you use what’s given you.

Remember, everyone who makes the best use of his talent can find greatness at the appearing of the master.

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