In part 1, the main thrust from the Holy Spirit is the power of SOLITUDE in achieving focus. I want to believe we are building that culture? Every habit has to be developed and mastered.

Don’t forget the outstanding life of excellence cannot be achieved without the culture of SOLITUDE.

You cannot be a great leader without learning to enjoy solitude, think alone, dance alone and plan alone. This doesn’t mean you wouldn’t need others. But leaders start alone. Only leaders go to the deep, the place of discovery.
Bill Gates has many assisting hands but it was not always like that, he started the journey alone and grew his system until it attracts the world.

Learn to enjoy the cold lonely terraces. Learn to feel different. Learn to be unique. Without the mastery of SOLITUDE you cannot focus.
There are many distraction to this lifestyle. I will offer us some key for mastery of SOLITUDE.

Key 1
Don’t Be So Available

Everyone wants a bit of you. Everyone want to take part of your life. You have to find a balance. Let not people’s incursion into your life be too overwhelming as to make you lose focus. You must be able to define your primary and secondary responsibilities.

Activities, so much of it makes you major in minor things. Jesus was not available for everything and everyone. There was a time his parents and blood brethren want him but he refused them because he must attend to the primary reasons.

No matter how well meaning the relationship is, once it takes you from the primary purpose you cannot reach to the stars of excellence.
Note:* Those who tend to take you away from purpose and greatness are the well meaning close allies and friends.

They know you when you were baby Jesus born in a manger. They knew you when you were struggling with sins. They knew you when you couldn’t feed your family.

They know when you use to struggle beneath.
When Jesus’ close allies couldn’t get to him, they said: He seem to be mad! Your purpose must so much consume you that they say – he or she is mad.

Be given to a cause, escape pettiness by all means.

Caveat: I’m not saying don’t relate with others. The point is, convert all relationship to usefulness towards the fulfilment of your life goal.

Key 2*

Build the Capacity to Say NO

Until you can look into people’s eyes and say NO, without feeling guilty, ashamed, embarrassed or awkward you will not be able to operate on the grand stand. Everyone want a bit of your time but you have limited time and days on earth.

I want to share a tough assignment with you which you should endeavor to fulfil to satisfy this program.

Build this habit of having to say more *NO* in your every day than *YES*

Average people find it easier to say yes – they don’t want to hurt people. Excellent people and leaders find it easier to say no – ultimately they are loved for this courage.

They say no to things that takes them off purpose.

They say no to wrong association

They say no to time stealing activities

They say no to unproductive activities

They say no to people who love the soft life of vanities.

They say no to people and anything that want to drag them backward.

Jesus said no to the lifestyle of the Pharisees.

He said no to Peter when he stood on his way to the cross.

What are the things or people you need to say NO to for your life to progress.

Here is a game which I call: The practice of saying NO.

Stand before a mirror or lie on your bed. Imagine the different offers you’ve been falling for:

Wrong association

Then behave as if you’re confronted with those force. Then say NO forcefully. As you keep practicing it mentally you gain strength physically against those vices. Whatever you don’t win in your mind, you cannot win in real life.
For a life of focus we move to

Key 3:

Have plans

Many people live as each day unfolds. This is good enough if you want the average life. But if you want to make a cutting edge impact you must start walking against the tide. Most people remain as they are because they accept their fate.

Plan, this is what makes you change your fate. This is why Jesus came: So that he may change the satanic fate of limited life. Jesus came to change the game plan

Colossians 2:13-15 KJV
And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; [14] Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; [15] And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

So don’t say, fate has caught up with you. Don’t just accept anything that comes your way. A good plan, with prayer and pursuit will change your place and position here on earth. If situation cannot change Jesus wouldn’t teach us

1. To pray
2. To plan
3. To take action

Plan your life and live your plan.
A good plan helps you to be focused, as it separates you from the rest of the people.

Key 4
Select your friend

No gainsaying, you’re like your friends. Birds of like passion flock together. It’s a matter of time that you become like your friends. You may have many acquaintances but let your friends be few. Your best friends should be people who are already living the life you admire. Some will call it pride but that’s why you must fulfill key 1 and key 2. That is, not being available to everyone and the ability to say no to wrong association and people.

Don’t be available to people who are not living your dream and say no to toxic and weak relationships.

Note:* This doesn’t necessarily make you rude or caustic to anyone. You must entertain and be of service to all classes of people but your intimate friends should be very few.

Go over Part 1-3 of precious teachings on STRATEGIES OF MAKING INFLUENCE. It is on our need for people to achieve greatness but it doesn’t negate the principles of focus. David and Moses were firstly men who were alone before they became leaders of millions.

Key 5*
A healthy lifestyle*

The last factor that help you focus and maximize a life of SOLITUDE is building a healthy lifestyle.

Do all you can do to be healthy. A healthy body drives the vision.

Watch out on your:

These must lead you to a healthy life.
A healthy person tend to achieve more.
At this point, we will bring to a close part 2. This may not be a sweet topic. But with keen observation we will realize that it holds a major secret to excellence in life

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