This may seem to counter the fad out there. Since lockdown began I have gone out just a couple of time which means that I obeyed the law of the land or maybe I’ll say, I’ve no other option.? Yet, within me I refused to lockdown.

After a week or thereabout after the lockdown began I changed my mindset and henceforth refused to see myself as being caged by lockdown as I get committed to my plans and designs as God enables.

Lockdown or anything holding us down has a tendency to affect our psyche and get us grounded for several months and years. It’s not an holiday but a period to reshape and resharpen your tools. Don’t allow lockdown or covid-19 or limiting challenge of your life to have it influence on the way you think.

Don’t allow that situation to get you down to an inactive state.

See yourself adapting to the reality but find a way of turning things to your advantage and avoid being suffocated under its weight. Don’t allow lockdown to cage you especially mentally, emotionally and in your spirit. Limitation that took hold of your spirit has grounded you. Those who’re free within will see the light out of the tunnel. If our spirit isn’t crushed, we will rise again in spite of all.

I recently had meetings with two elderly people. They were talking about putting everything on hold till after lockdown. I told them, those who will hold the ace after lockdown are people who aren’t mentally down. In the same way, whenever you face life challenges do not give up or hold down. In whatever situation you’re ensure you’re moving forward. I told these elderly people to perfect all their planning so that they will just naturally move into execution phase immediately after lockdown. They were very grateful for the advice.

Every season of life has an advantage if you know what to do. What do you think you can do now at this season of your life?

To you also: keep working on your ideas even during the dark seasons and when possible step out to do one or two things.

It’s well.

Short Quote:
Everything else want to rule over man:

Now Covid-19

Man is wretched to confront them. This is why we need Jesus who through the Holy Spirit empowers us unto victory and dominion.

Do you have Jesus?

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