Meditating this morning it came upon my mind to discuss with people with the true power of God who could help change the tides of impending dangers ahead of us.

Men of God.

Daniel and his friends… Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego decided on many issues in Babylon. We cannot afford to leave Nigeria and many small nations especially in Africa in the hands of leaders without direction and understanding of the time.

We need to understand:

1. Our leaders are presently confuse
2. They have gone to hide
3. They cannot see the evil game plans of the World Powers. Lockdown being the sign of the time.
4. They are opened to the largesse and handouts from these international bodies like Esau. They are already falling for the bait.
5. Soon they are about handing over Nigeria and many African nations as economic slaves to China and the advance nations across.

6. This is a terrible omen which will lead to blood bath… It’s a vision of the future.

7. The enemies are at the door, we need to pray against this mopping of nations (including Nigeria) by the cruel master. Another era of slavery shouldn’t commence.

I believe with the assurance of Scriptures we can stop this impending evil:

For Jesus says: we shall decree a thing and it shall be established:

Let us pray:

1. God to raise for us wise leaders.
2. To raise leaders with courage to stop encroachment of these international nations and world leaders.
3. To raise for us creative leaders
4. To raise leaders who are courageous and selfless to pursue the interests of the populace.
5. Above all that God should thwart every evil economic alliance of nations with Nigeria (you can pray for your country)
6. God should frustrate demonically inspired schemes to enslave weaker nations by the giants of nations.
7. That God makes ways of escape from enslavement of our lives and generations of our unborn children

In Jesus name.

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