I am an embodiment of the WORD.


I live in the fullness and the manifestations of the Holy Spirit.

The life of God flows through me unhindered.

I am limitless. Nothing stops me because I proceed from God.

For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world.

I am born of God, I am of God and I am in God.

My idea is of God. My home is of God and all that I am.

I am an overcome. I have dominion.

The word of God dwells richly in me. I am an embodiment of the word. I receive the word and I live by the word. This word is my light, I refuse to walk in darkness anymore.

For the light shines in darkness but the darkness couldn’t comprehend it. The light of the word shines in me, I refuse to be confuse.

The Lord is my help, I fear not the circumstances of the world and nations. He will help me early. Though a thousand fall at my side and ten thousands at my right side I shall fear no evil.

The Lord is my stay and buckler. He is my anchor. For when the enemies come like a flood, he raises a standard against them.

All that I see is beautiful, nothing broken and nothing missing. All things work together for my good.

For he furnishes my table with fat things. I lack nothing good for the Lord will supply all my needs. He alone can and I believe and I declare.

I have all things on my side and working for my good. Thank you Jesus.

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