By words God created the world.

This word he gave to us all. But the potency or efficacy of the word is determined by each of us.

The word of God with Moses parted the Red Sea. The word with Elijah procure fire over the sacrifice. By word Maria became pregnant of Christ.

How powerful is the word of Christ in your mouth?

Really, what determines the potency of the word of God is our disposition.

The sun of the word will keep shining, it’s our readiness to come under the light that determines how much of his sun we will attract.

May we be bold to say: Speak the word oh Lord.

What Affects the Word

1. When we twist the word to suit our state.
2. When we lie for gain with the word
3. When we look down on the word.
4. When we fail to honour the potency of the word.
5. When we extol man’s knowledge and riched over God’s.

Anything we uphold above the word of God puts a shield over what the word would have done in our lives.

Let’s build complete faith to receive all that the word has for us.

Magnify the word, be at the covenant angle for full exposure to the miraculous power of the word.

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