We bow our heads to the Father and Creator of all.

May our world have mercy as life is ushered in to swallow the ravaging death or covid-19.

Let the window of life by the Holy Spirit be opened to nations and the window of death from satanic realm be closed.

Make us life carrier, wherever we moved to and let death be swallowed.

We propagate life in this group and we extend it to the uttermost parts of the earth.

We are life carriers in Jesus name.

Heal economy of nations in your mercy.

Forgive our sins in Jesus name.

*To the Heathens*
Lord quieten the raging of the heathen.

Lord every enterprise of nations against nations we annul today.

Every counsel to enslave weaker nations by the giants we cut down.

Every Antichrist programs all over the world be exposed in Jesus name.

*Nigeria and Emerging Economy*

Lord bury the memory of evil leaders

Raise leaders who will have the heart for your people.

Open the heart of leaders to wisdom and understanding.

Help leaders of Nigeria, Africa and emerging economy have self dependence from the oppressors. May we receive wisdom to catalyze an inclusive native breed economy in Jesus name.

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