Some years ago, there were two notable farmers who were outstanding in their community.

The king summoned them and declared a contest between them for that year. He gave them five special yam seedlings each to plant behind a prepared ground at the back of the palace.

The count down began. There were anxieties to win and impress the king and the community.

The prize was mouth watering. Marriage to the only princess and access to power and wealth beyond limits. And the throne afterwards.

They were both restless as they nurture the seedlings. The yams germinated as expected.

Uba was always in farm and sometimes sleeping in the farm to see how it goes. Always checking and pampering with extra care the stems and sometimes checking the roots to see how the yams were growing deep within the soil. Sometimes beckoned friends to see the progress.

Uba was the center of activities. As the yams began to protrude his anxiety kept mounting and he kept opening the ground to be sure the yams were doing fine.

Alli wasn’t lazy either but he stays less in the farm after each days job.

The king was watching the two farmers with interest. The daughter began to show more affection to Uba. The dad kept insisting on her, whoever gave the bigger harvest will have you in marriage.

She was sure Uba will have her. What an industrious man, she exclaimed.

The day of harvest came. Alli came earlier and did his harvest without fanfare. He had five huge and beautiful yams. The kings size.

Came later was Uba with much fanfare and celebration. He brought five weak yams. He staggered and sweated profusely. He began to curse as he shouted: Alli has used witchcraft.

The king summoned everybody to him. He asked Alli to reveal his secret.

Alli bowed to the king and said:

Thank you oh King for the privilege. I trust the law of harvest. I believe that after doing all that’s needful, the law of harvest will go into effect. Nothing more.

Uba my friend though a good farmer allowed his anxiety to becloud him. He kept circumventing the law of harvest. After putting the seedlings he kept a watch and by his interception kept injuring the process. By checking excessively on the yams he destroyed the yams. Uba trusted his own ability than the law of harvest.

Our ability has it limits. You don’t put more you don’t put less.

Psalm 127:1-2 KJV
_Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. [2] It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep._

Alli said to all: after you’ve planted a seed and nurture it well. Go sleep because the natural law of harvest will yield for you the equivalent of your labour.

It’s in man to plant and nurture but God’s to bring the increase. Yet you must put in the seed trusting God’s harvest but not overbearing on the seed.

When you give, don’t keep monitoring the seed.

The king rose with his daughter towards Alli and he said: This is the reason for the contest: The man who believes in harvest will believe in consequence of nature. Only this kind of people rule with fairness and honesty. This ones are stable in character and are dependable.

If you don’t trust in the law of harvest you cannot be a prince in my kingdom.

When you put your labour into a trade be assured there’s a means to harvest.

When you follow God and run his set purpose on earth, do you think he will ignore your work?

Think on these things.

Genesis 8:22 KJV
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

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