Don’t Drag Your Trouble Along

Many crises and challenges often occur in a moment but they often trail us for a long time. They happen at a specific time and stage of life, but will often affect the rest of our lives; some of these events could be in a split second or minutes and they may end up limiting us or redefining us for life if we don’t manage the circumstance pro-actively.

A young lady could be engaged in premarital sex and get pregnant in her teens. The sex itself could be as momentary as lasting for about five minutes while the pregnancy as long as nine months. This is a critical stage of her life; if care is not taken the rest of her life may become miserable because of this silly mistake she committed in her past. This is true for many girls caught in early pregnancy. This may become a limiting factor in such lives except she learns to move past her mistake.

Joblessness could happen at any stage of life, but I have seen some people redefined negatively by this. Instead of picking up the pieces, strive again and come on top; they slip into self-pity. The once lively man upon losing his job loses his zest and energy; he becomes unbelievably a shadow of his real self.

Another person was jilted in her twenties. She kept nursing the wound and looking back year-in-year-out; before she could put herself together old age has set in. This is applicable to good numbers of ladies out there: their perfect taste for a man slip off. Instead of moving on with their lives they hesitate and tangle in loveless relationship that hurt everybody that got involved. Some ended up too old to get a man or unceremoniously hooked up to “any available man”. This becomes a limit to deal with.

In some individuals’ lives many vices were cultivated because they refuse to move on with life after an initial setback, shock or challenge. Addictions whether drunkenness, drug or sex is often cover-up for real underlying issues they refuse to deal with in their lives.

Careless living, time wasting activities, talkativeness, aimlessness, skulking, many unproductive activities and loitering often reflect a personality that has given up the fight; but just drifting along in life as the time ticks off. Some because of some negative past have become the dead among the living.

Some activities are cover up in themselves, a smoke screen; nothing more. You see the man going here and there, no productivity and no result to show. Deep within him he knew the truth but he tends to create a cover up with activities I can refer to as junks. For instance, a man has bills to pay which include his family upkeep and children school fees but instead go to a mountain to pray for several days. Tell him: “When he comes back the bills and much more will be waiting for him.”

Prayer is good, only when it leads us to take the steps of faith. Prayer without action (work) is dead. The essence of prayer is to lead us into productive lives that shine before men and to the glory of God. Aimless, visionless, purposeless and limiting life is not of any good or glory.

Some others who do not resort to prayer, of those who are not very religious will carry their bags each morning aimlessly looking for “a lost contract”. Deep down in their hearts they know they were putting up mere show, nothing more.

We have all been there! We have all failed, fumbled or messed things up. Many of us have got our bits of disappointments; and for so long are on the cross-road of indecisions and frustrations. The more time you waste the heavier your yoke become – don’t linger any more, instead move past your dead past, break the limit and let your life count. Do something about the situation today! This is what the rest of these book deals with – being limitless especially of your past.

To linger further is to be swept away.

It is time to move beyond the limits.

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