Dealing with the Lies

Gideon was reared in an environment of lack, deprivation and not-enough. His entire nation was suppressed by the Medianites. He never knew what freedom tasted like.

The story of God’s wonder in the days of Moses, Joshua and the fathers looked much like a fairy tale. Gideon story was similar to an interaction between a Nigerian grandfather and his grandson. The grandfather said: When I was your age I used to go to supermarket with five Naira to get me all my family will need for a month. The grandson exclaimed: Do you steal? Nowadays it will be difficult with CCTV camera everywhere. The grandson can never fathom or imagine that there was once upon a time in Nigeria that five Naira worth of money could feed a family for a whole month.

When Gideon was born, Israel is in a dire predicament due to slavery. He wanted to build his faith on the power of God but the destitution in Israel was an opposing picture.

The average Israelite in his days had gone after the false god called Baal. Many of them believed that God was once powerful but he is no more. They allowed the situation of things to become their reality.

Gideon’s parents were not better as support for his faith. His father was the very custodian of the principal god called Baal. The parents likely must have talked Gideon down whenever he wanted to acquire fresh knowledge of the Living God.

The major lie we must discard in order to have the supernatural flow of help is this: Never believe the devil has anything better to offer than what God would give. No matter what you are going through, the devil can never be your alternative; only God can save.

No god, idol or person could give much good as God would. No god can save except the Lord. The contest of Elijah and the prophets of Baal illustrated this truth further. The God of Elijah answered by fire – no God can save but the Lord.

Joash the father of Gideon was very poor that he thought Baal would save. So he exchanged God for Baal. He served Baal so well that he was made the custodian, yet the record had it that his family was known to be poor in their tribe in spite of service to that dumb god.

15 And he said unto him, Oh my Lord, wherewith shall I save Israel?  behold, my family is poor in Manasseh, and I am the least in my father’s house. Judges 6 vs 15

The second lie we should put off from our hearts is to think that we are nobody. Gideon said he is the least in his father’s house. His report was based on the factors of his experiences and environment. But God’s report nullified this and called him a mighty man.

Gideon’s situation was so bad that he has no encouragement around that it took God the task of sending an angel to minister to him.

Don’t allow the words or situation around you keep you down, find new words and support to get you on the track of God’s purpose in life. Find the right set of words that will empower you to do what you are created to do.

The words you hear will position you for success or defeat. Gideon was a failure all his life as long as he had his unbelieving family and nation around. Then he hooked up to a new flow of encouragement which comes by the angelic visit.

As the angel brought empowering words to Gideon, find those same empowering words written to you through the pages of the Bible, in this post and around you. You may not know: this post is an angel visiting you.

You cannot grow beyond the word you choose to believe.

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