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Embracing the Leadership Prototype: The Mindset of WHO over WHAT:


Adam, the first man, serves as the prototype and representative of all humanity. His name, “Adam,” meaning “Man,” signifies his significance in shaping our understanding of leadership and our ultimate destiny. By studying the references in Genesis 1:27-31 and Genesis 2:7-20, we can glean valuable insights into the qualities, position, and hierarchy that define a true leader. Furthermore, the word of God that preceded Adam’s creation is available to guide and empower us as leaders. It is crucial to recognize our true identity and not underestimate the potential God has bestowed upon us.

1. Predestined Identity:

Even before Adam’s creation, God’s word predestined his qualities, position, and hierarchy. Similarly, the same divine word that went ahead of Adam’s existence is accessible to us. We must avoid seeing ourselves as inferior to what God has designed us to be. Just as God had a purpose and plan for Adam, we too have a unique purpose and calling that should shape our perception of ourselves and our leadership potential.

2. Dominion without Subjugation:

Adam’s dominion over creation was declared without any notion of subjugating his fellow human beings. He was appointed as the head over all creation, not as a ruler over his fellow man. This important distinction teaches us that leadership does not entail lording over others but rather serving and guiding them. We can showcase our leadership abilities even in solitude and on solitary paths, understanding that our influence extends beyond commanding authority but also encompasses inspiring and empowering those around us.

3. Essence over Possessions:

Adam’s dominion was not based on his material possessions. In fact, he was created naked, without any physical belongings. Yet, through divine conferment, he owned everything. This highlights the fundamental truth that leadership is not about what we have, but about who we are. Our character, values, and inner qualities define our leadership influence and impact. Regardless of our current circumstances, we can embark on our leadership journey from where we are, as we are.

4. The Mindset Shift: WHO over WHAT:

A transformational change begins with a shift in mindset. Understanding the concept of WHO over WHAT revolutionizes our perspective on leadership. It reminds us that our identity and character carry more weight than external possessions or titles. By embracing our true selves and acknowledging our worth as individuals created in the image of God, we unlock our leadership potential. This shift in mindset propels us to focus on developing our inner qualities, nurturing our relationships, and leading with authenticity and integrity.

Adam, the prototype man, provides us with invaluable lessons about leadership and our true identity. Just as Adam’s destiny was shaped by God’s design, we too are destined for a purposeful leadership journey. By recognizing the predestined qualities within us, embracing the mindset of WHO over WHAT, and understanding that leadership is about serving rather than dominating, we can lead with authenticity and make a lasting impact on the world. Let us embark on this transformative journey, confident in our God-given potential and committed to becoming servant leaders who inspire and uplift others.

B: Unveiling the Leadership Lessons from Adam, the Prototype:

Delving further into the life of Adam, the prototype man, we gain deeper insights into his role as a leader and the lessons we can glean from his existence. By examining the circumstances surrounding his creation and the responsibilities entrusted to him, we discover profound principles that apply to our own lives and leadership journeys. From the order of creation to Adam’s divine assignment and his ability to fulfill it, we uncover timeless truths that resonate with us today.

1. Precedence and Preparation:

Adam emerged into a world where everything had already been created. This signifies that the resources, tools, and elements necessary for his success were in place before his arrival. Similarly, as individuals and leaders, we possess innate gifts, talents, and capabilities that equip us for our journeys. We need only look within ourselves to uncover the qualities needed to thrive and make a meaningful impact.

2. All Things in Service:

The entire creation was designed to serve Adam. From the mountains to the precious metals, the water, and the diverse creatures, they all existed to fulfill Adam’s needs. This highlights the idea that as leaders, we have resources and opportunities at our disposal. It is our responsibility to steward these blessings wisely and utilize them for the greater good.

3. Divine Appointment:

Adam was appointed as the governor of Eden, not by his own decision, but by God’s design. This demonstrates that leadership positions are often predetermined and assigned by a higher authority. Understanding that our leadership roles are a result of divine orchestration can instill a sense of purpose and responsibility in us as we carry out our duties.

4. Equipped for the Task:

God provided Adam with the necessary skills and abilities to manage his assigned responsibilities. Similarly, when we are called to a task or a leadership role, we can trust that God has equipped us for the job. Just as good employers ensure their employees have the tools they need to succeed, God equips us with the resources and capabilities required to fulfill our assignments.

5. Diverse Divine Assignments:

Adam’s primary assignment was to tend the Garden of Eden, showcasing that divine assignments are not limited to religious or spiritual endeavors alone. Many times, our calling lies in tending to our immediate surroundings, excelling in our professions, or positively impacting the world in various spheres. Examining the lives of individuals like David, Joseph, and Daniel, we see that their faith and leadership were demonstrated in the real world, outside religious contexts.

6. Matching Ability with Performance:

Adam rose to the challenge of his assignment. He named the animals, gave them their place and recognition, and diligently tended the garden. In doing so, he fulfilled God’s mandate for him. This serves as a reflection for us to consider our own calling and whether we are effectively matching our abilities with performance. By aligning our skills, talents, and responsibilities, we can fulfill our purpose and make a meaningful impact in our spheres of influence.

Reflection: Discovering Your Purpose:

Taking inspiration from Adam’s leadership role, it is crucial to reflect on our own lives and uncover our unique calling and purpose.

Why were you created?

What are you called to tend?

By seeking clarity and aligning our abilities with the tasks at hand, we can unlock our leadership potential and fulfill our divine assignments. Remember, just as the first Adam served as a leader, every subsequent Adam (man) possesses the inherent potential to be a leader in their own right.

The life of Adam, the prototype man, holds valuable leadership lessons for us today. By recognizing the precedence and preparation inherent within us, understanding our role as stewards of resources and opportunities, embracing divine appointments, and matching our abilities with performance, we can lead with purpose and make a positive impact.


World Changers Christian Leadership School is set up to launch the emerging leaders into the heartbeat of God: taking the word of God to heal the societal maladies in their various forms.

On this premise, we would be raising men who have the capacity to transform the different sectors of the society starting with the church. To be a student, WhatsApp +2348033750871

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