Christianity will rise by the wing of sacrifice or fall by the bills of indulgence. True leadership is weight upon the altar of sacrifice. Those we later referred to as great generation leaders were not always so.

They were men like you and me who distinguished themselves out by what they sacrificed and the cause they lived for.

Recently, we had an approval letter to run a FREE leadership program for schools in the state.

In spite of the benefits, the state made no fund or support readily available.

I asked my wife, help me visit a school. The principal was surprise. So you mean no one is sponsoring you?

You must be millionaire.

The truth is, we are just living by the grace of God.

Christianity that was delivered to us was made on platter of sacrifice… Ask the early apostles and missionaries.


1. The many early missionaries to Africa like David Livingston, Mary Slessor, John G. Lake and hosts of others. They left the comforts of their nation through sacrifice and made distinguished names for themselves.

Where are their contemporaries who stayed back within reasonable comfort of Europe? Many are forgotten.

Sacrifice is the soul of leadership. Without sacrifice there is nothing like leadership. Sacrifice is the trademark of leaders.

Indulge yourself and be forgotten as soon as you expire here on earth.

No matter the fleets of cars and houses you build… They will not be remembered for long.

Sacrifice is what immortalizes you… Like Jesus

2. Mother Theresa of Calcutta. She was a missionary nun to India who helped the cause of destitute and lepers.

She was an ordinary woman when she began, but in the course of her sacrificial living rose to world recognition.

More than thirty thousand marched out to witness her burial. Anybody can become great who sacrifice enough.

Reflection: How much do you sacrifice, starting from your home? If you fail to sacrifice within your immediate reach, forget reaching out to the big world.

Sacrifice is what would take a low class nun to walk in high places of the world.

If you too will sacrifice enough… You will begin to live in the vantage place of destiny.

Jesus said: He that want to save his life will lose it and he who lose his life for the sake of the kingdom will find it, recover it and gain it back in many folds.

3. Nelson Mandela of South Africa: He began as an activist against apartheid rules in his home country.

He was not the only activist, but he was tested by years of destitute, of 27years of his life in prison, good part in Robin Island prison; unwavering he sacrificed so much and selflessly that the world that initially hated him came back to understand with him.

He became South Africa first black president.

Sacrifice took him from the prison to the highest office in his homeland.

*The extent of your sacrifice will determine the extent of your rising.*

The World will move for the man who learn how to sacrifice.

*Note: Those who are driven basically for gain often end up among the run-of-the-mill in whatever field of life.*

If you want to shine indeed, add sacrifice to your watch.

Winston Churchill said: Responsibility is the price of greatness.

The cheapest way to the top is sacrifice… Though it seem tough at the beginning.

Sacrificial life separates you from the millions.

He who want to be outstanding must do what others never attempted.

Biblical Case Studies


All Israel ran away from Goliath including the king.

But a 17 years boy confronted h. He could literally have died on the Battle ground.

This was David’s moment of greatness

That inconvenient situation around you may be an opportunity to rise…

Like David when others are running away, prayerfully run towards… If you win you’ll become their king.

May God help us in Jesus name


No one dare come into the Kings presence.

There was an emergency. Esther broke protocol and she by so doing save her people the Jew and her own very life

If Esther had played safe she would have died cheaply through Haman’s intrigues and wickedness.

Many time when you are bold and courageous to confront issue, you’re much more serving and saving yourself.


Paul had many disciples but one of them stood shoulder above the rest.

Timothy didn’t follow Paul because of what to gain.

Timothy followed because of his love for God and call to serve.

Paul commended him and said of him Timothy is different from the rest…

1 Timothy 1:4-6 KJV
Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. [5] Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: [6] From which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling;

In another place he said of him: Timothy is not of them that does the work of the Gospel solely for gain.

If anyone of us is primarily driven to the work of the gospel for gains, we can by no means get into the kingdom of God…

But if we sacrifice indeed… He will bear us on eagles wing.

Matthew 6:33 KJV
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Thank you for following along… May God bless everyone of us and help us live truly sacrificial in Jesus name.

We shall no longer be driven by mere speculations for gain… For there the souls of men perish…

Lord help us in Jesus name




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