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Each generation has its own unique assignments, purposes, and divine guidance from God to fulfill. It is crucial that we honor and respect the work of our predecessors who have laid the foundation of faith for us. However, we must also recognize that God continues to reveal Himself and advance His purposes among humanity, a journey that will extend into eternity.

In Psalm 127:4, children are likened to arrows in the hand of a mighty archer. Just as an arrow is propelled forward by the archer, the fathers should expect us, the younger generation, to advance in spiritual knowledge and experience if they have fulfilled their responsibilities well. We are the arrows aimed at their future. The duty of today’s leaders is to propel their protégés forward, and this principle is fundamental to our leadership program.

While science, sports, and the social world continually progress and make new discoveries building upon previous ones, our faith should also be characterized by an ever-growing understanding of God’s purpose and designs that extend into eternity.

Christianity has experienced growth and established churches and denominations. The initial and significant phase accomplished by our faith predecessors was the establishment of the church. However, we must understand that the church needs to move beyond its centralized structure and engage with the world in order to impact and transform society. This can be achieved by revealing the fullness of God’s Word and His Son Jesus through the Spirit of excellence and power. The purpose of the church is to culminate in the kingdom mandate, as it gives birth to the kingdom. God calls and sends His own into the world.

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world,” emphasizing that the kingdom mandate requires our activities to extend beyond the church walls. The church serves as a launch pad for influencing the greater world. The local church acts as a nurturing environment where champions are developed, leaders are cultivated, and saviors are sent to save the world. However, the church loses its relevance if it fails to shine its light on the darkness of the world. Light is meant to dispel darkness. Therefore, our impact must go beyond the confines of the church walls. Our existence is to shine the light of Christ and practice practical Christianity among all people.

Now is the time for the church to shift from a passive role to a proactive position in every sector and sphere of life, moving from the sidelines to the forefront of societal transformation. Those whom God has equipped with grace are meant to impact and serve others and the world around them. God’s love extends to the entire world, transcending the boundaries of the church.

Many have mistakenly limited their influence to their local congregation due to denominational restrictions. However, a closer examination of the Bible, the Word of God, reveals that most of the heroes listed did not build churches or focus solely on pulpit ministry. They were recognized as God’s generals due to their significant impact on society, guided by the principles, power, and the Spirit of the Living God.

While being a choir member or a Sunday school teacher is commendable, sacrificing one’s life purpose for mere church activities will scarcely lead to entering the Kingdom of God. Each of us has been created for a great purpose. Merely adhering to denominational correctness without relevance to the larger society is akin to losing the essence of salt, rendering it useless and discarded. God forbid such a fate.

What is the use of being effective within the church if we are not useful to the people God has sent us to? We are all sent with a message to the world, and the call to the pulpit is not the ultimate call. The ultimate call is specific to each individual.

Abraham, Joseph, David, Daniel, Luke, Paul, and many others are remembered because the Word of God was profited through them, benefiting not only their own generations


World Changers Christian Leadership School is set up to launch the emerging leaders into the heartbeat of God: taking the word of God to heal the societal maladies in their various forms.

On this premise, we would be raising men who have the capacity to transform the different sectors of the society starting with the church. To be a student, WhatsApp +2348033750871

*** Contact Us if you want to run a World Changers Leadership School in Your Community, WhatsApp +2348033750871

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