Don’t side your spouse, tell your spouse the truth in all things In telling the truth, I’m not saying that you should be rude. The Bible says: You can do nothing against the truth. Understanding and agreement on falsehood will soon or later affect your relationship. Find ways of communicating…

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SUSAN 11   THE CLOUD AT NOON Stanley becomes the first prime suspect to the death of Bolu. The lawyer to Bolu who facilitated the agreement between the two is bent to make a case against Stanley. Some forces who are against the Boudahas pitch behind the lawyer and this…

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THE WAGES OF SIN “Who is this?” she stammers in fear as she turns around to see Stanley right in her sitting room. “How did you get into my home?” “I am sorry for coming on you surprisingly.” “You have not answered my question.” “Bolu, your husband arranged the whole…

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TRAGEDY OR DELIVERANCE?   Pockets of unrest erupts every here and there. The slightest provocation leads to one kind of protest or the other. As the government resolves one issue another one surfaces. When the goat is pushed to the wall, it turns against the attacker. The government is failing…

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You want to be happy? Recently, I have this lady who by the look in her eyes felt we are more lucky in my relationship. We do quarrel sometimes, yet there’s a deliberate unwritten code that calibrate every of my action: I want to be happy. So I don’t want…

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