Covid-19 and The New Shift


Mr Alex looked into the vacant space wishing and wishing things were different. Business had crashed due to the pandemic. This has become his excuses. He kept hoping things will change.


Peter told him point blank, life is like the tide. We must adapt to the tide if we must survive. When life move, we move along. Working against the tide is suicidal.

We need to know deep within us that Covid-19 is here with us and the changes it brought in its trail. There’s a new shift.

This era will bring a shift into how things are done.

It has come to establish *social spacing*. We will no longer come together the old way; at least not exactly as we used to..

Man has come to learn to do things without crowding or being physical in many ways.

Schools now run full fledge online, many transactions are now carried out over the phone, multinational organizations now run their customer care services 100% online. The abnormal is becoming normal!

One of the shift will see to the growth of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Use of the Internet for communication and transactions like never before.

Even churches are going online.

Don’t lose relevance in the new shift.

Animal that fail to adapt goes into extinction.*

What this period calls for is adaptation.

If you’re still questioning things, remember:

* Men once use stone as tools

* Men once wear skin as clothes.

* Bible was once written on animal skins.

*Men once travel on foot and at best on beasts.

Things are changing…

Prayerfully ask God: How do I make the best of this new season?*

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